Mule with Spinning Wheel

Tipping canoes? That's a paddlin'.

"Two-Faced, Too Furious."

That'd be nuts. Or, in this case, nut.

I'd fish a dime out of the sewer for this game.

Uh, I'm pretty sure there's no way for any non-book reader to ever know more than you as long as you continue watching the show, which you're clearly doing. Hope that fact cures your sickness.

You know why Hodor wasn't even an option in the dead pool? Because he was supposed to make it till the end! Argh, so heartbroken right now.

When the Ironborn were standing around waiting for Euron to come to, I half-expected someone to get a "Yara! Yara!" chant going, just in case.

Just goes to prove that GoT is willing to show the uglier side of nudity.
Warts and all.

The White Walkers getting to the Wall? Over six seasons and counting. Them tracking down Bran after seeing him in a single vision when they were heading in the opposite direction? Less than an episode. Ah, the magic of TV pacing.

How do we know for sure that winter is coming? Because Summer, sadly, is now gone.

I kid you not, that death moved me more than any other in this show's bloodthirsty history. Rest in peace, gentle giant. May you enjoy Eggs Hodor in perpetuity in the afterlife.


Had they been brain-dead, they would've been given cushy jobs.

Please to have a Sloppy Jimbo. I imagine it'd taste so young and impudent. I'd even risk cutting in line for one.

Hey, wait a minute, hasn't Homer been sterile since "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?" I hope someone got their "First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence" taken away for that blunder.

Hey, wait a minute, hasn't Homer been sterile since "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?" I hope someone got their "First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence" taken away for that blunder.

Knowing that I'd get guaranteed sex every time I lost some weight would definitely take a load off my mind…and other places.

Knowing that I'd get guaranteed sex every time I lost some weight would definitely take a load off my mind…and other places.

"Oh no, we've drawn Judge Schneider?"
"Is that bad?"
"Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog."
"You did?"
"Yeah…if you replace the words 'his dog' with 'Jimbo Jones' and the words 'kinda ran over' with 'repeatedly shot in the face.'"

"Oh no, we've drawn Judge Schneider?"
"Is that bad?"
"Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog."
"You did?"
"Yeah…if you replace the words 'his dog' with 'Jimbo Jones' and the words 'kinda ran over' with 'repeatedly shot in the face.'"