Flame Princess

I read the last 3 episode descriptions on Wikipedia and I thought it HAD to be wiki vandalism. I was wrong.

It's spelled MailChimp; the girl who pronounced it MailKimp was a 13-year-old Norwegian tourist on vacation with her parents. http://www.reddit.com/r/ser…

Wow, it's a real…cognitive disconnect to see Eli Thompson scolding someone for day drinking.

That first one was Yo-Yo Ma, and Neil taking his hand and trying to pull him into the spotlight was adorable. I believe the long-sleeved maroon sweater belonged to Samantha Power, whose exact position in the Obama administration I can't recall, but that's because I'm more familiar with her spouse, rock star legal

I, too, cackled, but that's because it looked like he was having the world's hardest time reading the teleprompter. Other hilarious faces of discomfort included Mike Huckabee, who finally turned up in front of Cookie Monster looking like that one kid who never wanted to be in the Christmas pageant and had to be shoved

You're right; I forgot that part for some reason.

I actually laughed out loud at that bit in the dropship, because to put a spin on a classic, "NOBODY LIKES MURPHY!" I… may also have a slight problem with bursting into inappropriate laughter at moments of tension.

Everyone was alright but I cried all night/ Because it blew my alphabet blocks out of order…

Well, outstanding in the category of New Achievements in Destruction of the Collective Livers of their Critics and Viewers, anyway. (As True Blood came to an end, the Venn diagram of those two groups had pretty much completely overlapped.)

I'd say that flying Anders into the sun definitely qualifies as at least ritual suicide.

For me the ending of Caprica was better than the front 6 episodes, even though it means that the description of the ultimate BSG canon is: "In a futuristic society, a girl dies in reality but lives on in virtual reality. Her parents build her a robot body that eventually evolves into a race of robots that are

Of the characters on the show, Finn and Raven are the primary ones who weren't sketched out in the book. They're composites from an eyeroll-inducing plotline that the show writers thankfully either completely ignored, or never heard about.

Troy and Abed do Commercials!

Finn's PTSD freakout did not feel one bit earned, and the out-of-left-field-ness of it all was greatly exacerbated by Murphy, of all people, being the voice of reason.

Well other than that one time he told everyone Gandhi had ADD, I don't see why anyone would hate him.

I really can't wait for the moment when Bataar Jr. realizes that that little old lady is his grandmother and calls for his brown trousers.

Let's not go full Howard Dean here.

If that souvenir remnant of metal poison that Toph saved doesn't turn up used in the next fight sequence (seriously, it's even shaped like a bullet), I will be… very disappointed.

Well it seemed like they were trying to take a run at it with Nathan's attempt at being an Ubercreeper and with his constant insistence that they have to make sure that Timmy gets sued and ruins the company, but then backed off from it, because there was a rape joke to be had instead.

I think most people takes issue with the characterization of Uber as "superior", because if my cabbie crashes a cab and injures me, there's a cab company I can sue. If my Uber driver crashes his car, I'll probably get a bill for surge pricing plus an additional fee, and cannot sue Uber for my damages because my Uber