
5* Wrestling, I think I saw the same poster on Twitter? They have all the money to burn but not a lot of smarts, it seems, it is a very weird promotion that doesn't even run regularly. I would recommend those RevPro shows with NJPW talent, for sure. They always make sure to give good combinations, and even if it's

Les Kellett or gtfo.

My advice on UK wrestling is save your money on any show that advertises big foreign stars. Go for promotions with strongly built identities who use mainly local talent - check out PROGRESS, ICW, Fight Club Pro, ATTACK, FutureShock. You can look up their online presence for samples (youtube, twitter gifs), and buy

I tried Yuri on Ice (cute but not that interesting), Orange (cute but didn't suck me in), Gintama (seemed to require prior knowledge of all sorts of anime tropes so I tuned out) and fourth one I don't remember the name of, just remember being annoyed by the female characters and noping out before ep 1 ended.

Death Comes to Pemberley - Casting for this was brilliant and I loved so many of the choices - Jenna Coleman as Lydia was great, Matthew Rhys as Darcy and Matthew Goode as Wickham stood out. It was a decent, actor-driven and pretty-looking watch I will probably barely remember three weeks from now.

Everybody needs to follow Cena's instagram. It's like avantgarde social media from the least avantgarde personality I ever would've expected it from. It's great.

Saw The Handmaiden by Park Chan-wook. Loved it in many ways, thought the unfolding of the story and performances and use of language(s) was excellent and very interesting. Thought the lady next to me in the theater hiding her face in her hands during anything remotely erotic was just being a bit silly, but then I

Atamanuik trips me the fuck out with his Trump because it's so dead on, both in terms of his voice and the words real Trump uses (he always says "tremendous") but then his Trump's sociopathy is so plain to see. It's entertaining, but it's also kind of scary.

A vibrant cruiserweight division would make me tune into RAW. Right now I'm a Smackdown only type of gal.

I very much enjoy the way Griffin Newman says, "We Bought A Zoo".

I've seen wrestling live but not WWE wrestling because they don't tour in my country anymore. Maybe I'd be swayed if I saw him live, but then, I am not shitting on the Miz - I'm saying he's a good wrestler, not a great wrestler and I think that's a fair distinction.

Change their tag team name to WAR: Wrestle and Romance, like the classic Japanese promotion back in the day.

Yeah, I agree that he could definitely be a better wrestler. Even if you talk about the "WWE style" of wrestling, there are guys who do it better than him. Being a character and manipulating the crowd is essential to being a great wrestler, but you also need to deliver not just a good, but a great match so that a

Otunga is my least favorite thing about this show. Good god almighty, let's get him back into that legal department and just have a two person team.

Smackdown in 2002-2003 is what got me into wrestling, and Smackdown in 2016 is finally great enough to follow on a consistent basis. I'm so happy about that. Love the Slater arc (ARN!!!), love that Carmella turned heel (her as a babyface without Enzo and Cass is bland and this gives her time to work on her character),

Ibushi's a weird one. I've never read he's moody, but he might just be too flakey for WWE's demanding work ethic and full time schedule. Plus he speaks almost no English. I'll watch him anywhere he goes because I love the guy, but I'd kind of rather he do a stint in New Japan to put Omega over, then start his own

I've been in a state of utter elation because of his win ever since Sunday. I'm still buzzing. Great fucking stuff.

>Then Ibushi hits the wedgie bomb (that's what it's called, right?) for the win.

I've watched NXT. I kind of agree. The problem is that even in a "smart" wrestling show like NXT where a lot of shit makes logical sense and is put together in a way that satisfies the viewer, the Demon never really had a cohesive logic behind it. Balor wrestles the same regardless of get up, it doesn't magically turn

Wrestling podmass! Well, not actually. There is a guy who does Wrestling Podmass (a recap of most wrestling-related podcasts) on VoicesofWrestling.com - I don't know if it's cool to link to a competitor, albeit a rasslin' one, so I'll keep the plug to that.