Violet Hunter

I agree with the review. The episodic plot was good, predictable but not boring. The guy who tried to help the bird (heh…) was obviously going to die, the Sheriff's involvement came as no surprise. But seeing Nick in the wild tracking down a creature got me excited in the prospect of when he truly embraces his Grimm


Then Bolivia will face the dilemma of every hot girl ever.

Sure. Of course. Why the hell not? 
Especially because Peter and OurOlivia will have a(nother) baby, and it's a girl. Henry will be so bitter and depressed, not to mention non-existent.

Kid… A!

Agent Lee sucks… lemon.

Me! Me!
I thought of that too. Didn't he say "Who else knew we were transporting him?" right after he got shot? And I refuse to believe that Earth-2 technology that could perfectly fix fourth degree burn cannot fix a gunshot wound.

In this case, predictable means boring, to me.

There was a lot going on but a lot that was going on was predictable. Someone else other than Hank was going to eat the cookies, it happened. The pretty fuchsbau with a past, in other words; female Monroe, hit it off with… Monroe. Those junkies returning to an active crime scene to get the drugs was a senseless plot,

Here's the logic:
Peter was a fringe event. Olivia is an FBI agent investigating fringe events. If you remember, he was taken into custody, interrogated, and upon being released he was escorted around by an agent carrying a direct order not to allow him contact with other people. As for Olivia, did you really expect

I foresee a homemade youtube video.

Maybe I'm biased having seen the new Fringe episode right before I saw this one.

No surprises, please…

It was slow and too much Juliette combined with the lack of funny Monroe made for a very long episode. This show felt more and more like Charmed as it progresses.

The wereporcupine was better visually than season 1's. 
Everything else that isn't about the wereporcupine was brilliant. Walter's quirkiness, Walter and Peter moments, Peter and Olivia, it was all perfect.

Fine, it's love.


I'm giving Giuntoli the benefit of the doubt here. Cause to be fair, the script didn't give him much to work on. He's all this calm, cool, and collected guy, all the recipes needed for the ultimate snoozefest of a character. He didn't get the "Fuck yeah! I'm a fucking Grimm, Imma kick yo ugly motherfuckers' ass!"

This episode started off great, we even got a glimpse of Nick's nipples (I appreciated that) then it crashed and burn.
The writers need to get their homework done:
1. Address the issue that came up from the previous episode instead of these tired repeated reboots we've been watching. Nick learnt that his parents were

Oh wow… 
How wonderful but that's never gonna happen.