Why aren't they reviewing this show anymore? I really miss reading the comments here. :/
Why aren't they reviewing this show anymore? I really miss reading the comments here. :/
I think the funeral scene was there to allude to that ending; Barry saving both his parents.
Exactly. When Barry got into the machine I immediately thought of the scene where Peter stepped into the Doomsday Device, which is probably why they mentioned Fringe in the earlier scene.
And guys! Oliver and Nyssa actually got married on the show. There, problem solved, writers. Make her the new Canary.
…Or House in season 4 double episodes finale when he was suffering from retrograde amnesia and decided to take loads of drugs to solve the medical mystery of the week.
I'm not disagreeing on the problem that was season 3, it was a huge pile of mess. But you know what, even after all that, I'd still say the almost constantly PMS-ing Felicity was miles better than pill popping alcoholic chinmonster that was Laurel season 2. The difference was, even though she was falling apart,…
She wasn't crying over some spilled wine on her cute little dress, that would have been oh so annoying. Death to Felicity! Oh that's right, she could just get angry like everyone else, that would have been refreshing!
I don't get this Felicity season 3 hate. Can't a girl cry without people getting so annoyed that they want her dead?
Damien Darhk will become the mayor of Star City and Thea will go even more bonkers and come and work for him and they'll end up having such a heartwarming if a little bit twisted father-daughter relationship until Thea eventually got stabbed by.. Felicity? Yes, let's give Felicity some violence to do (while punning!).…
I actually had to turn my face away from the screen when they were about to kiss and then again when they're in bed. Simply because it's Watson and Mycroft; it was just wrong.
Odd that I didn't find him intimidating. The first time he did the torture scene in season 1 was thrilling but this episode had that 'been there, done that' feel to it, certainly didn't help that the 'victim' was quick to give in. The only additional element was Mycroft (pretending to be) creeped out.
I'm going to quote Gaiman's response since apparently you missed it:
@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus Sure he did. "Allons-y!"
There were Time Zombies in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.
I've had my last name misspelled on my school jacket. It made it sound like "Pokey". The tailor was in a rush… to his death.
Yeah well, here's one surprisingly well made tribute:
"Run motherfu…"
River Song story resolved here for me.
I didn't buy the wedding at all. But here, in this episode, I believed that he's the Doctor's wife and that he loves her. It was heartbreakingly beautiful. And I'm not even a fan of the character.
Fair enough.
I thought the Cybermites were more scary than the Cybermen, and the Upgrade concept was highly effective, since my main problem with Cybermen was that they're slow. I suppose everyone has their own brand of fear, what makes a thing scary or not, the only monster in Who that I ever found appealing in that…
I am guessing they were/used to be scary to children who watched the show. This is a children show, after all, no matter how many tight skirts and legs you put into it.