Red Marquis


You can stop after season 6. Season 7 is bad, and season 8 is awful.

I don't need two Dissolve sites.

Election is finally over. Whew.
Now just send Ryan to jail, and the show will be great again.

Booty Call is coming?

That is language 2.0

Yes. I don't wanna sound like an old guy with new technologies, but I'm lost here.
New site looks like S&M club The Rectum in the movie Irreversible.

Completely agree with the review. This was the best season of the show, so I was maybe expecting something really awesome at the end.
Seeing hovercraft in Africa was maybe the only laugh for me.
Still, it was a good run. Goodbye Eastbound and Down…

Yes. This and Family Tree.

While Mrs.Pepsi is somewhere sucking a cock of a Coke Sr.

Try using your whole hand instead.

C- ?
Too harsh.

C- ?
Too harsh.