
Bingo.  The bottle is shaped like a butt plug.

C'mon, be a true fan:

It's not as baaad as my soul cock.

I could insert 30 sham-wow's into my rectum, and it would be less painful than watching the BEP's again.

Who let the Madonna fan club president in here?

I thought the Fraggles had been hiding in there for the last 20 years. 

She promised to only felate two microphones at a time.

This is jaw dropping news.

That's the biggest glass of iced tea I've ever seen.

Absolutely hated it too.  Any time emotions started building up, it cut to the next scene.  Plus all I could think about was punching Keira in the face.

Descendants  B
Twilight   B-

Coming from someone named Blumpkins, this may not hold much weight, but I highly recommend the Three Colors Triology.  Red is one of my favorite foreign films. 

Better yet, give her a talk show where she's asked about Kurt, the Foo's, etc. and just watch her go.

No way.  She's my favorite trainwreck.  I'd offer up the Black Eyed Peas instead.

He also likes that song by the Commodores - Shit House

Teens also love boobs, and the ads for that "movie" were filled with them.

This needs more Skrillex.

And Lindsey Lohan's mooseknuckle.

Nice.  Add some rastafarian colors and I'm in.

"Her fiance is a girl?   DYKE!!"