Captain Jack Hotness

NERD RAGE: Tom Buchanan is a big dumb jock, right? So who do they hire to play him? Tobey Maguire. Not only is he pretty much the opposite of that, he looks way too much like Leo. GRRRR.

I'm seriously bummed. In honor of your hilarious review of The Jazz Singer, I rend my garments, raise my eyes to the heavens, and shout, "I HAFF NO SON! NAAABBIIIIIIN!"

Fat Nixon signed the Clean Air Act…. because of farts. HIS OWN FARTS.

There's no love lost between him and Ron Howard, that's for sure. My memory is fuzzy when it comes to which of the SNL cast members were willing to go on record as calling Myers out for general dickitude. It's been a while since I read the VF article, and it seems to have disappeared. Although, I pretty much assume

Karl Marxx