Red Butler

I'm sorry but the Atlanta opening ceremony should be rewatched. It's humiliating that it introduced many to the Southern United States when the marching bands couldn't even form proper circles and actually formed the words, "HOW Y'ALL DOIN'?" while the commentators discussed how careful the planners were in avoiding

Even after that demonstration I'm still not sure how scissoring works.

Even after that demonstration I'm still not sure how scissoring works.

This is actually something that bothered me when Korra started airbending… She wasn't using anything like the airbending fighting style. It almost looked like fire should be shooting out for her fists and feet.

This is actually something that bothered me when Korra started airbending… She wasn't using anything like the airbending fighting style. It almost looked like fire should be shooting out for her fists and feet.

M 22
I started watching after book 2, so I only saw book 3 week by week. But I think I was watching it whenever it came on tv so I missed a few episodes the first time.
I only knew one person that watched it, and she wasn't as into it.
Nope. Afterwards it seemed like the obvious solution to

M 22
I started watching after book 2, so I only saw book 3 week by week. But I think I was watching it whenever it came on tv so I missed a few episodes the first time.
I only knew one person that watched it, and she wasn't as into it.
Nope. Afterwards it seemed like the obvious solution to

I scanned the article looking only for the Weaver D's mention and nothing. But then I find fellow Athenians in the comments. lose/win

I scanned the article looking only for the Weaver D's mention and nothing. But then I find fellow Athenians in the comments. lose/win

Amon is either A) a robot or B) an anti-avatar from the spirit world to remove bending as punishment for developing technology, reducing spirituality, etc..

She did have Frank investigate her.

She did have Frank investigate her.

ummmmm… she was a stripper…

ummmmm… she was a stripper…

I was too busy with the foreshadowing for the plane crash to think about fauxmanda coming back.

I was too busy with the foreshadowing for the plane crash to think about fauxmanda coming back.

No. The darkest timeline Rhett doesn't have a mustache. I've from the reddest timeline.

No. The darkest timeline Rhett doesn't have a mustache. I've from the reddest timeline.

Screw Frontline. People are still asking me if I have syphilis.

Screw Frontline. People are still asking me if I have syphilis.