
True, but Louise is new in town. There could be a small window where the blame could be placed on Louise's jealous ex or husband or whatever… might be enough time for Jimmy to get out of Dodge…

You guys are forgetting Eli's family is too fucking big.

He's obviously a failed comedian.

I expected more talk about The Commodore…kinda disappointed guys.

Purnsley got his ass beat to put sense into him. If Chalky wanted the new guy dead, he would have made it happen right there in that cell. Nevermind that it happened while under custody…the only time the whites of Atlantic City worry about a dead negro is to make sure it doesn't cause a ruckus that will hurt their

It's gone now, but when I went on wikipedia to check out Lily of the Valley, it said this…

Remember Mike's speech about half-measure vs full-measures?

Mr. White is no more…only Heisenberg.