Ontario Death Panel

"Oh, reporters are so damn lazy! They suck!"
… Right next to that other review that points out journalism is broke.

If there was no Pizzicato Five, what do I care?

this album doesn't rock much
if I want twee or introspective, I'll go elsewhere.

At a particularly goofy meeting of our HOA, we got on this topic and raised hands. Turns out pretty much everyone smokes. It felt better after we all knew it. And I found out who's the neighborhood dealer, couple doors down, please come by when the kids are with their dad.

Agreed w Tom S — they look like they're having fun. I'd join that partay. And some of the "freaks" — a stutter, a hunchback, a short person … uh, y'know those are "normal" ppl today. And if you've never seen someone who identifies with both genders, I dont know where you are at. It wouldnt strike me as weird to

@raymond luxury yacht

Down here, we didn't even think they sold trucks in Mass till we heard about Brown. We thought everyone there was a Haafahrd fag.

Gussied up?
I think "gussied up" is a regionalism. As for Christmas markets, I've lived in GA all my life and have never heard of one of these things.

Who wrote…
"Supreme Court Rules Supreme Court Rules"? That headline is worth way more than $5.