David Fucking Lynch

Romney is as phony as a three dollar bill! If he is elected he will sell America down the river! My name is David Lynch, and I was born in a beautiful small town in middle America where the sun was always shining, the milkman always had a smile, firemen helped cats down from beatiful trees. But there was also a

Romney is as phony as a three dollar bill! If he is elected he will sell America down the river! My name is David Lynch, and I was born in a beautiful small town in middle America where the sun was always shining, the milkman always had a smile, firemen helped cats down from beatiful trees. But there was also a

Let me reiterate: Romney WILL sell us down the river. We need a president who will focus on light, love, and peace and leading us towards inner happiness and enlightenment. There is a great, abstract beauty in the universe, unfortunatley some of these phonies in Washington don't seem to get it. Vote Obama and it's

Let me reiterate: Romney WILL sell us down the river. We need a president who will focus on light, love, and peace and leading us towards inner happiness and enlightenment. There is a great, abstract beauty in the universe, unfortunatley some of these phonies in Washington don't seem to get it. Vote Obama and it's


When George Lucas asked me to direct the third Star Wars film, i said "look George, this is your movie, YOU should direct it". Then we drove downtown in his Ferrari, he was so short he was practically lying down and we were FLYING. Now I love salads, but the place he took me too, that's all they served! I was craving

Angelo is a genius.Many people have asked what the meaning of the red room is, but as I have said many times before, I don't know why it is the way it is. Ideas are like fish, you never know what you are going to catch. By the way, please visit the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World

Skrillex is a great guy. The word I would use to describe his music: neato.

Good morning!
Hello AV Clubbers! Today is Friday, the 22nd of Joo Lie, and it is a sunny and beautiful day. I will be at Comic Con promoting my new album, a collaboration with dubstep artist Skrillex. All proceeds will go the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. Please drop by, but

Good news AV Clubbers, I am casting Randy Quaid in my upcoming film, title not yet determined. Plot summary is as follows: a boy and girl encounter many mysteries. Hopefully that should wet your appetite until next year. I will be travelling around the country promoting this movie by going to various 50's themed

I think these bands are all just swell, really great guys and gals. The David Lynch Foundation for consciousness-based education and world peace continues to grow. Every child in the world deserves the opportunity to dive deep down into the pool of pure consciousness, pure bliss. It's almost as blissful

I think these bands are all just swell, really great guys and gals. The David Lynch Foundation for consciousness-based education and world peace continues to grow. Every child in the world deserves the opportunity to dive deep down into the pool of pure consciousness, pure bliss. It's almost as blissful

Scarlet and I
will be collaborating on a new album next month entitled "Dark Dreams of Electrical Currents", somewhat inspired by our shared passion for the Cocteau Twins. Lyrically, it explores the notion of electricity and the strange forces of the universe. Peace and love.

An artists continually rethinks his position on reality, since reality is subjective….and it's shifting, always shifting. The only constant is the eternal ocean of bliss, an all pervading happiness that underlies everything. And when you've got that, it's money in the bank.