
Am I the only one who gave up on the Thomas Middleditch YMIW episode about 35 minutes in?

Am I the only one who gave up on the Thomas Middleditch YMIW episode about 35 minutes in?

Okay.  So here is why I personally prefer GO to PULP FICTION, even though one is definitely a rip off of the other (Although is any story truly original? Injest bong hit, then discuss…).  Here is my experience watching PULP FICTION back in '94:

Okay.  So here is why I personally prefer GO to PULP FICTION, even though one is definitely a rip off of the other (Although is any story truly original? Injest bong hit, then discuss…).  Here is my experience watching PULP FICTION back in '94:

Waaaaay out on a limb here:  Doug Liman's GO (1999) is generally considered to be the crumbly Hydrox to PULP FICTION's Oreo, but might I suggest its a better, more lasting entertainment?  Both films seem to be about nothing in particular, but I think GO, with its depiction of how identifiably Left-Coast bohemian

Waaaaay out on a limb here:  Doug Liman's GO (1999) is generally considered to be the crumbly Hydrox to PULP FICTION's Oreo, but might I suggest its a better, more lasting entertainment?  Both films seem to be about nothing in particular, but I think GO, with its depiction of how identifiably Left-Coast bohemian

Films that will probably get left off the list but shouldn't:

Films that will probably get left off the list but shouldn't:

Sooooo glad IRMA VEP made the list.  Deserves it, big time!EYES WIDE SHUT is a pile of tired, insight-free crap and don't even get me started on fucking THIN RED LINE.  Seriously, guys…why this cultural Pavlovianism?

Sooooo glad IRMA VEP made the list.  Deserves it, big time!EYES WIDE SHUT is a pile of tired, insight-free crap and don't even get me started on fucking THIN RED LINE.  Seriously, guys…why this cultural Pavlovianism?

My guess for the number one:  THE THREE COLORS TRILOGY.

My guess for the number one:  THE THREE COLORS TRILOGY.

As per usual with "lists of cinematic greatness", non genre-bending comedies are underrepresented here.  I'm sure BULLETS OVER BROADWAY will make the list, but what about DICK, CLUELESS, or ROMY AND MICHELLES HIGH SCHOOL REUNION?

As per usual with "lists of cinematic greatness", non genre-bending comedies are underrepresented here.  I'm sure BULLETS OVER BROADWAY will make the list, but what about DICK, CLUELESS, or ROMY AND MICHELLES HIGH SCHOOL REUNION?

"Timebomb" didn't do well anywhere, not even in the UK and Australia.  It didn't help that the video featured Kylie in a jacket that made her look like a linebacker and presented her as a shitbag who couldn't even be bothered to help a guy whose stuff she knocked over and then steals someones iPhone.  The video should

"Timebomb" didn't do well anywhere, not even in the UK and Australia.  It didn't help that the video featured Kylie in a jacket that made her look like a linebacker and presented her as a shitbag who couldn't even be bothered to help a guy whose stuff she knocked over and then steals someones iPhone.  The video should

I'm going to predict, however, that this song is not going to catch on for the same reason Kylie Minogue's brilliant "Timebomb" didn't catch on:  It's an upbeat, danceable song that uses death as its backboard with a weak video to boot.
Death is just not "in" in popular culture.

I'm going to predict, however, that this song is not going to catch on for the same reason Kylie Minogue's brilliant "Timebomb" didn't catch on:  It's an upbeat, danceable song that uses death as its backboard with a weak video to boot.
Death is just not "in" in popular culture.