
Define "biggest hit."

And he's shirtless in some scenes.  Nummy!!

This movie blew.  An hour and a half of empty affectation.

The problem for me, honestly, was Lynch's wig.  The 30's curls are actually very flattering on her and sort of takes away from the characterization of Hannigan as a sloppy mess.

What struck me about the Phantom number is how totally dated it looks and sounds at this point.

Does he talk at all about the still difficult-to-find Michael Biehn vehicle RAMPAGE?

Gotta hand it to Maron, nine times out of ten, WTF is strong.  Don't skip over Leslie Jones and, yes, listen to the Michael Keaton.

I agree.  I thought the interview was fantastic.

SHAME and FROM THE LIVES OF THE MARIONETTES are two other great ones that are oft-overlooked.  Damn, this makes me wanna go back and watch all of them again.

I was all excited about the Gina Gershon WTF, but in between Gershon's memory lapses and unwillingness to talk about things like SHOWGIRLS, it felt lackluster.

Harland Williams was hysterical on YMIW…looking forward to This American Life.

I am an absolute fan of TIMES SQUARE even though it is totally preposterous.  Must be seen around the age of 13 to have its true effect.  Oh, and it has one of the greatest rock soundtracks ever…ebay that shit now!

She's an odd case:  Refreshing and spontaneous in this film and then tight, remote and reserved in everything else (she was downright spooky as Amy in LITTLE WOMEN)

The phrase "torture porn" was coined by that ol' pearl-clutcher David Edelstein (and for a taste of his reactionary bullshit, may I direct you to his jaw-droppingly homophobic review of THE DYING GAUL).  Anyone who uses it is a small-minded tightwad with no lips.

"No Virgo" and "No word though" does not rhyme.

"No Virgo" and "No word though" does not rhyme.

I really loved this list and can't think of any additions.  Glad to see Dennis Potters very touching final interview made the list.

I really loved this list and can't think of any additions.  Glad to see Dennis Potters very touching final interview made the list.

God, I remember when this came out and got mostly horrible reviews.  Funny what sticks over time and what doesn't. 
Anybody else think Alan Parker, despite his output since the nineties, was an ambitious, interesting director?

God, I remember when this came out and got mostly horrible reviews.  Funny what sticks over time and what doesn't. 
Anybody else think Alan Parker, despite his output since the nineties, was an ambitious, interesting director?