
Sorry, I don't see any difference between Boston in that trailer and Boston now. Be more creative, guys.

It's nice to see that James is finally making money off a piece she submitted to a charity auction. Classy.

Yikes, thanks for pointing that one out. That's embarrassing. Though knowing this movie, I could have successfully spinned that into a pun on the shallowness of the movie's literary allusions.

I think Constantine had a story that was not at all related to Hellblazer, but it was visually appealing and well-directed.

I hate to admit this, but as an eleven year old, I freaking loved this movie. The plot was easy to follow, whatshisface from A Walk to Remember was really cute, and the literary illusions were simple enough that I felt really smart for knowing who each character was (even though I had only read everything but Tom

Re: Kenneth Branaugh - I always got the feeling that he would have been fine continuing as a Shakespeare adaptation director, but he lost big on Love's Labours Lost financially and critically, so no one wanted to fund his Shakespeare adventures anymore.

Two weeks later and I want to let you know that that link ruined my life. I am now a full-blown k-pop fan and it all started here.

"Gore Uwe Boll" is a phrase I'm going to treasure forever.

Ahhh! I'm so excited!

That was my second reaction: after "Oh, that shithead from One Tree Hill," I was like, "Oh, that libertarian who did Atlas Shrugged."

So not surprised that evil dad Dan is a dick irl too.

It's really hard to tell, because his comment parrots the whole MRA/Mad Max thing pretty well, so it could definitely be parody, but idk, it was hard to tell. Guess I have a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, especially since the AV Club honestly has one of the most wank-free comment sections of any major pop culture

I predict that this will be funny but not as it was intended.

I honestly have no idea what they're going for with this lineup.

You're acting like the Magnificent Seven wasn't ALREADY a remake.

Apparently Lee Byung-hun is a douchebag, but he's still a really good actor. He'll probably be good in this movie.


I didn't think it was possible for me to care any less about Spider-Man, but it's happened.

My time has come.

I'm going to be honest and say that the only one of these movies I've seen is 3/4 of Tokyo Drift on HBO or something and I actually quite liked it? Of course, I don't have the other movies to compare it to, but I thought it used a narrative of displacement well. Also, the whole retroactively setting it after Fast &