
Here to brag about the fact that I saw the Third Man on a big screen in Vienna. It was pretty awesome.

I think your comparison to Cumberbatch's situation is apt, though I agree with your point that his issue had a lot more baggage - the fact that his family is *still* wealthy from the money his ancestors made owning slaves in the Caribbean is pretty jarring, as is the fact that a NYC commissioner shares his peculiar

This a shame. I thought the UK series was canceled far too soon, and the US version was actually quite funny too.

I possibly might have watched "Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life" last night with my roommate. It's like I psychically predicted this article. For the record, I enjoyed all 86 minutes of it.

Actually, though - the DCAU was pretty much the only thing DC had going for it.

This actually made me squirt liquid out of my nose.

I tried reading City of Bones because I was like, okay, I guess everyone thought Cassie was the shit back in the day, and she probably hasn't wholesaled plagiarized anything for a published book. But then I read it and I realized why she had to plagiarize so much - she's just a terrible, terrible writer. She beats

I always though that she just copped the title from her incest fic, the rest was imported from the Draco Trilogy.

Who was like, "Yes, let's give this movie that bombed so horrifically another shot"? Who was like, "Ah yes, that Cassandra Claire, she of an impeccable reputation and fantastic writing skill. Let's give her multiple adaptations of her shitty books"?

Yeah - I'm not pretending to be the Boston Representative or anything (I wasn't even in the state at the time), but basically I agree with you. The catharsis that there was mostly revolved around the fact that we didn't have to be frightened anymore; it was just a really tiring experience (for those lucky enough, like

Not entirely sure the Istari can just cast spells like that - they're more constrained in their use of magic than your typical Harry Potter wizard.

I mean, let's be real, the Laws and Customs of the Elves is basically one long treatise on how badass and sexy they all are.

It wasn't the death toll that shocked everyone, but the general carnage. The bombs were intended to cause maximum damage, and it did so. That kind of large-scale mutilation is sickening.

I kind of agree, I find the "Boston Strong" thing to be kind of distasteful and jingoistic, and it seems kind of exploitative of what actually happened.

I wish I could comment with something funny about Marky Mark, and intellectually I agree with the comments basically stating "it's time to move on," but all I can remember is sitting in a Red Lobster in Pennsylvania, trying desperately to contact my mother (who both runs the marathon every year and works right in the

What are you talking about, I've read all of Tolkien's work, including the History of Middle Earth and his letters, and he DEFINITELY mentions the elves' mad parkour skills.

I will probably watch any movie that has Jason Statham in it. I find that my ratio of movies of his I like to movies of his I don't is much higher for me than that of any other actor.

I sort of feel like this article is a competition to see how hipster you can be.

I'd like to just point out the MI4 was a pretty decent action movie.

I mean, race and class are intertwined, and also the Author is Dead.