
Okay, so what exactly is the legality of StubHub? I once got bitched out by the tinpot despot of a local venue because I got a (bogus) secondhand ticket from StubHub.

It sort of seems like this review finds more fault with the premise than anything in the movie. I would actually argue that Cinderella as a story - particularly in its Disney incarnation - does have meaning; it's a narrative about hope, which is very sweet. Just because something has a simple or uplifting message

I've been rereading it recently (as I tend to do every year, because it's just too good to forget), so it's serendipitous that there was an Aja/VSD mention in this Vulture article.

I think most of the accusations are pretty accurate, at least when it comes to general perception of fandom. Obviously the people who harass creators have crossed a line; but articles like these and attitudes toward fanfiction in general are mostly outrage and amusement that women would want to read or write porny fic.

I wasn't in HP fandom at the time everything went down, but I saw it from outside and I've seen Aja pop up in unflattering ways since. I get the feeling that she's not a *bad* person, at least not in the way a lot of the Cassie Claire clique was, but I think she has very little self-awareness and ideas of

Agreed, I read all my fic on AO3 now, though back in the day, after I grew out of ff.net, I was all about LJ.

You're definitely right - there's a whole tone when talking about fandom of "bitches be crazy" and it's just gross.

Agreed, though I lump that in with lack of respect for boundaries. Like, they are never ever going to get together, no matter how many writers and actors you harass on twitter.

I mean, what I find difficult about Supernatural fandom isn't the porn, but the complete lack of boundaries re: the production crew it's demonstrated.

Is this seriously still the case? I stopped paying attention to the rampant batshittery years ago. You'd think they would move on, with the huge emphasis on Dean/Castiel the fandom's taken.

It's interesting that you bring up the influence of Danish television; I sort of wonder if it's the influence of the Danish film industry in general (growing out of the Dogme movement) - the emphasis on gritty realism.

I think you're right about the nature of the show, and also about Gibson. While the show tries to portray Spector's POV (as much as possible without making everyone puke/driving everyone crazy), it also deflates the idea of serial killers as these mysterious, melodramatic figures (I noticed this article referenced the

I think Supernatural is a bit of an anomalous case, quite honestly. I've been around fandoms for years and I still find the Supernatural fandom difficult to deal with.

And authors like Stephen King still write for the HP Lovecraft mythos. Just because the work is published doesn't make it not fanfiction.

I agree with all of this, especially your last statement: fanfiction is a way for women to enjoy fandom and also express their sexuality, two things that make people very uncomfortable.

I knew The Fall was a great show when the killer starts to babble on about the important reasons he murders women and Gillian Anderson's character is like, "Shut up, you're just a misogynist, like every other killer out there."

Exactly??? Wattpad is like, part shitty fanfiction, part shitty original work, with a few good original works sprinkled in there. I feel like this entire article is some weird anthropological study by someone who regards fandom as an alien species.

I sort of don't understand what's wrong with writing/reading porny fanfiction. So what if people want to see their favorite characters bang?

I think the whole Vulture article is weird and misguided. It doesn't really expose anything new or interesting, except to people who wouldn't have cared in the first place, and the tone is kind of patronizing (though maybe it should be, I'm not a huge fan of Wattpad). It would be a lot more fascinating if there was an

Agreed, it wasn't a "minor theological detail."