Quantum of Scarface

Baywatch Nights with Batman.

Or vice versa!


That's how the majority of them talk on there.

I was just thinking this the other day.

"Oh dear…Moffat is determined to run this show into the ground. Dreadful. She'll make Bonnie Langford look like Liz Sladen. This show's days are numbered, mark my words."-typical GallifreyBase commenter

Also in 70's California.

"New companion for the Doctor? Done! Now, who's up for a bit of pedophilia?"

Shatner browbeat Moffat into giving him a role?

I always found Dodo strangely hot…

According to that William Hartnell Christmas episode, the audience IS canon!

Awwwww! I've been called a greasy thug too!

He said he recorded an album called "The Dawn" that was the best thing he ever did and that hasn't been released yet. He never said when he was going to put it out but maybe now it will.

My list of people who better not die any fucking time soon:
David Lynch
David Letterman
Brian Eno
Tom Baker

Grumpy Smurf?

They say God created Pune to test the faithful!

I can never find King Biscuit flour in the stores!

What th-A-HA's videos were straight and to the point!


Wasn't that what Bowie's Outside album was about? And something with art?