Quantum of Scarface

It's been so fucking hot here…

Ras Trent is too DAMN high!

They will…

Aaargh! Took me forever to kill that giant mutant rat before it got to the wooden plank bridge!

How 'bout Mary Elizabeth Winstead instead?

Blade Runner was about AI AND genetics.

The Portals Of Madison County

The Portals Of Madison County

Makes sense…God is supposed to let the good into heaven and send the bad into hell…if there's ghosts wandering around that implies no one is running the ship.



I suppose it is pretty unlikely they are both simultaneously possessed by the spirit of Charles Darwin, huh?

So 3PO is basically robot Constantine now?

Yeah well don't get all mushy on me!

Did they rerun these in the early 90's and wasn't there a sequel? I remember the second one had a jazzy, Twin Peaks like soundtrack to it.

Maybe he was turned on by Spider-Man's pubescent voice?

His full name: Steve Joe Karr

Yeah…I gotta side with you on TFA. Was that planet supposed to be Courscant?

Heh! She's a walking contradiction, much like life itself!

Lucky she was exactly Leia's size!