Quantum of Scarface

Also: where did Leia's Ewok village dress come from?

I just saw 10 Cloverfield Lane last Thursday. I liked it for the most part but isn't the female character kind of a Mary Sue? I mean she's just the most Goddamned resourceful person who ever fucking lived in that movie.

Are you referring to Star Trek? Nero was broadcasting a hologram of Vulcan's destruction so Spock could watch it.

I did that once when I was drunk to impress a girl I liked. She thought I was psycho and I woke up the next morning with my hand in unbearable pain.

Fuck! Beat me to it!

Time travel?

There was a Bert and Ernie sketch in the early 70's where Ernie locks Bert outside on a snowy night, forgets he's out there and goes to bed while Bert knocks on the door and whimpers Ernie's name. That used to upset the toddler me so much…

I'm terrified that story is going to come true someday.

Holy Christ!

I should do that but I don't unless the top is massively grody.

I hate it in movies/shows when people are traveling in a car and talking and the driver spends a long time looking/talking towards the passenger. I'm always like "watch the damn road"!

Won't CD's and DVD's just make a comeback at some point in the future? It happened with vinyl and to an extent with cassettes and VHS.

Yeah, didn't Young record a track on his '96 album "Broken Arrow" using the mic on a boom box?

That also happened in the cockroach episode of the X-Files, right?

Yeah, that is disturbing…

Especially now that he's been dead for many years.

There was a novel that came out in the 80's, the cover artwork was a roll of film that showed a glowing alien in a forest coming closer and closer in each frame of film. That cover creeped the hell out of me and Mr. Burns coming through the woods looked a little like that cover so by extension that creeped me out too.

That's why you have to have cans on a string around your bed to serve as an alarm.

Grain prisons?

The tentacles in the genital area always fucking scared me in that novel.