Quantum of Scarface

I have yet to really cough up any blood, the first time it ever does happen I'm gonna freeeeeeeeeeeak

Yeah, he was everything Anakin Skywalker should have been.

Did your copy have the Drew Barrymore cover?

Fuck yeah!

What about our crippling dependence on fossil fuels?

Also, eye aliens from Venus, the other story in that book that done fucked me up big time.

Someone in that book also commits suicide by sticking their arm in the garbage disposal.

I remember that call!

Read his Night Shift collection young enough and you'll develop a whole host of phobias to accompany you through life!

Me too!

I first read Stephen King's short story "Grey Matter" in 1984. Since then, every time-and I do mean every-I drink something out of a can, a little voice reminds me to check the can first and make sure there's no grey slime anywhere on it.

John The Baptist…BUT THAT AIN'T WATER!

Y'know, that always fucking bothered me…

Whups! Ya beat me!

"Son of a bitch…"

You just know that one of these days he's going to open his mouth and reveal himself to be a bat shit crazy right-winger.


AHEM! They prefer the term "Sun Dried Gape American".

'Cause she's high on weed, AMIRITE?

Finally, someone to share my bed!
*gazes longingly into spider's eyes as "No More Lonely Nights" begins playing*