Quantum of Scarface

Would that mean it's some of that "meta commentary" I've been reading about in the papers?

Miles Ahead???

I want to see this so bad, if only for Elisabeth Moss.

God's not dead, he just smells a little funny…

People shouldn't be embarrassed to be in their 30's and move back in with their parents. Jesus did!

This movie's failure will put Singer in the red-tide.

I'm horny and I have no car.


For just $35,000 Brian Eno will give a lecture on perfume at your son's Bar Mitzvah.

Being bigger, why didn't he just eat all of the RHCP?

Oh man…I'll never get caught up with this franchise!

I'm guessing-laziness?

Try not to kill anybody this time.

That's only a THEORY!

"I Waunt To Knuow What Louve Is"

*urinates around computer to mark territory and keep away furries*

Carbon based life forms?

His Instagram has so few followers though…

Let me guess, he couldn't use it anymore?

I saw that on VHS back in the 80's, can barely remember anything about it. Wasn't it a bunch of teen vigilantes from the makers of Miami Vice?