Quantum of Scarface

Oh Mercy is a wonderful album.

I had a crush on her too, was always waiting for her to become the next big thing.

In that picture up there she looks like Bigfoot from the Bigfoot And Wildboy Saturday morning show.

"There's cops…and then there's little sheeple…"

I wonder if the whole "Deckard is a replicant" thing is meant to be a PKD "fake fake" type of deal. The Blade Runners bosses want them to think they are or might be replicants so they will toe the line and work extra hard at their job out of a type of self loathing and a desire to not be "found out". So they implant

Maybe they just didn't want to put up with his shenanigans.



His worst fear was realized…he was misunderstood.

Heh heh…he DOES look like Al Gore!

I'm going to start vomiting and I may never stop…

"Kate, we have to go back to Lollapalooza!"

I remember reading waaaaaaaaay back in the 80's that they ("they" I'm assuming to mean Bowie) were going to release an album of previously unreleased tracks from the Berlin/Eno era. A few years after I read that the Ryko reissues started appearing. The Berlin trilogy reissues had a couple of bonus tracks per disc,


Yeah, I saw Ghostbusters for the first time at Christmas that year.

Wait, didn't the name Anakin come up in one of the radio play versions of ANH/ESB?

Why is Leia having an orgasm?

Nah, it doesn't work there either.

She was hot in the 90's Dark Shadows reboot series.

I would argue that Interstellar is the thinking man's Last Starfighter.