Quantum of Scarface

…off a short pier, AMIRITE?

It's garbage but i can't help but love it.

Maybe Brad Bird for Spy?

"Been there, done that."-Polanski.

And piss off Eddie Murphy.

(Left to die on a lava planet by one of the Olsen twins}

See: Hemlock Grove.

Fun fact: PTA has a secretary named Kennedy, Wes Anderson has a secretary named Lincoln.

Ooo! I think I'm in love with your idea for Repulsion!

THIS. Once you create a badass character like Vader, any attempt at an origin story is almost certain to fail.

I'd bet Shane Carruth could do something interesting with The Shining.

"Nice fellow…I wonder if he's gay?"

The noise they use when they do that has been an earworm for me for like 40 years now.

But if it makes too many pounds they'll have to throw it back in.

Dune and dune!

Yeah, it's time they were given Das Boot!

Something something deck chairs…

Hmmm…they don't seem to be scaling back any.

Maybe a little but there's something about her that just clicks for me.

"Stigmata star Patricia Arquette"