Quantum of Scarface

…or the looming threat of being cancelled by D.C.

I just love her so much, she's super beautiful to me.

I hope they fix things soon, my stomach's all in knots!

They do tend to bring out the bottom feeders.

In God's name why?

Weak…but hey, Nautilus can be good at puns!

Can't we just have Elisabeth Moss recreate the album cover to Roxy Music's "Siren"?

That's your best effort? How abysmal!

Don't try to hijack this thread! How shellfish of you!

Yes, you are out of your league here…

2018 will be here before they know it, they'd better get Kraken!

By then I'll be in my 60's and she'll be too old!

Sigh…I LOVE Elisabeth Moss…

"Sometimes a gharial is just a gharial!"

Watching Star Wars scenes before they dubbed in James Earl Jones Vader voice is hilarious:
"Yew arrrrrrrrre a traiter and a rebel spee! Take 'er awheee!"

They've done it at least twice in the last two years, one for the "Another Self Portrait" Bootleg Series release and again for the complete "Basement Tapes."

With a cool, dry wit like that you could…

Their covers tend to go like this:

The "Nothing From Chinese Democracy" Tour.

That guy you knew in high school?