
Yeah. I mean, honestly the League of Shadows are some pretty bad dudes. What is their endgame? They've been destroying cities and civilizations for centuries in order to, like, restore balance or whatever, but they keep HAVING to do it. They openly choose death and destruction whereas they could've spent their time, I

Depending on the comic you could definitely make that argument. It's by far my favorite explanation of Batman's psyche, seeing as otherwise he's just being a stupid dick who should know better.

As much as I really enjoy this new Liturgy record, it's impossible for me to call it metal. Which is fine, since something being metal isn't indicative of quality at any stretch. I just fail to see, at this point, how Liturgy is "metal," as musically they've fallen pretty far from the tree by this point.

Yeah, I think a lot of people tend to misunderstand where Triple H was coming from in his manifesto. Also gotta hand it to him for not writing the most frustrating academic paper ever, most of which tend to be pointlessly dense. To the contrary, I thought his was pretty straightforward.