
Reading the above article made me "get" the Others' obsession with taking babies in this show. One more piece of the puzzle solved, sort of. In 15 more years I'll have solved this thing, I swear..

Is that in any way like a "Moop"??

And don't forget Twirling Gidgets
What are Twirling Gidgets?
It's when polka-dot bikini-clad beach girls with retro do's get high on crystal meth and dance on the floor by spinning around until they throw up

Seth Myers distinguishes himself by being really witty. LOL moments abound for me. As corny as that sounds, isn't this the point of a late night talk/comedy show? Compare his monologue to Leno's is like night/day..

Glad this got a positive review. Also glad to see a critic grade on a curve by comparing to currently-bland contemporary taste.

Steven Tyler/Liv Tyler take the cake

"Homebrew" is very underrated. Very elegant hip-hop, a terrific record. Also has that one song that features Michael Stipe. Is it "Trout"? Don't remember