
@avclub-479fe4f0f43b2adfb106cea092183096:disqus  What's funny is that when he was telling that story, I was never sure whether it actually happened or whether it was just his cover for talking about cooking meth with Walt. I guess it was the fact that he stumbled over 'Mr Pike's' name, and that his little addendum

What's great about Tom Wilson's performance in the car is how his mannerisms change once he and Bill start talking as equals. He suddenly just drops the macho buddy act looks like a big kid as he lays it all on the table. It's beautiful.

I think this might be something like what we saw in the 'Tokin' episode. Millie still has faith in God, the adults in her life, and the general worldview she grew up with. And while she might be wrong on some things, the straight-and-narrow path is still going to take her good places, and Kim and Lindsay know that.

My gf in university and I used to get high out of our minds and go to the movies. The last time we did that we had planned to see one of the Harry Potter movies, but it was sold out. So we scanned the marquee and decided to see this 'Ring' movie we'd vaguely remember hearing something about.

My first time was when I was drunk. It was one of those "Dude, you've never been high? We should get high RIGHT NOW" kind of situation you can only have when drunk with someone you barely know. To make a long story short, I passed out on his dorm room floor mid-sentence, and crawled back to my own room for a sleep of

So true. I remember the meanest bully at my high school would pick vicious fights at the drop of a hat right up until the day a teacher offered him a job sound mixing for school concerts. Suddenly, the fights stopped. and the only time he would threaten you is if you were sitting on a speaker.

I'm just trying to figure out how you would go about humming 'Sabotage'.

This line always bothered me because it seemed like a joke that got cut short during an edit and didn't make sense anymore.

The only thing I disliked about the Farnsworth Parabox is that it negated the earlier '2 Parallel Realities' theory they presented in 'I Dated a Robot'. Possibly the funniest throwaway gag of the whole series.

"I find that offensive. Just because I am of Japanese ancestry, you assume I know karate. Have I ever led you to believe I studied karate?"

I was a big kid for my age, so I never really got picked on (physically, at least) and I generally just ignored anyone who was trying to start anything. Throughout my entire time in high school I was in exactly one 'fight', which involved hitting a kid in the stomach who was literally asking for it. He had been

I'm not sure why, but the scenes of Frederick picking up the phone from the exact same spot on the couch tickles me for some reason. Especially the last time, when he's seemingly on a date, yet still planted in the same spot as if he were alone…

The Further Adventures of SCROTUMMAN!

Is 'the tute' british slang for 'penis'?

I was having a little debate about this with a friend the other day. As I understand it, most rappers below the major-label level make the majority of their money off live shows, so the `product` isn`t so much the album as the performance. So I suppose it makes more sense to let your music go for free (since you`re

El-P and Killer Mike formed Run The Jewels to tell everyone exactly how great they are

My favourite part of that opening sequence is at 1:22, when Hulk runs out towards his giant Cadillac-ish convertible and then daintily opens the door, rather than jumping in like we all expect him to. Not at all like those rude Duke boys,,, 

Seeing this always makes me think back to my own 'Todds' in high school and wondering how much of a jerk they actually were, and how much I just projected on to them.

Our school's 'Spirit Squad' was cancelled due to lack on interest. Ironically, it made me more proud of my school than I'd ever been before.

Our school's mascot was a 'Lancer'. I'm still not sure what that is….