
Doesn't this school know any songs that aren't commercials?

There was a girl in my English class in grade 10 that I couldn't stop staring at. Something about her face just seemed so gorgeous to me that I couldn't help myself, and I did 'get busted' a couple times.

The brits have a special talent for that. See: Peep Show, every episode.

Maybe it's cuz he died at the Hard Rock Hotel?

Shit, that's like a 98 Degrees song. Ain't nobody got nothing to
say about 98 Degrees. Backstreet Boys? Bring a smile to your face. *NSYNC? Shit, tweens is damn near dancing on that motherfucker. Go down to O-town, tweens get their bitch on. Get their blood complaining. But 98 Degrees? Nobody give a fuck about 98

"Hey, *NSYNC is coming to town. They'e cool."
"Dude, are you being sarcastic?"
"I don't even know anymore"
/buys $50 Chris T-Shirt/

Middle school was brutal for me because my grade was so small (~40 kids) that there was only two groups: the 'geeks', 4 kids who had their own social circle, and the rest of us, a large group with a definite pecking order. I was in the main social circle, but had lots of geeky tendencies that I was desperate to hide,

I had a weirdly similar experience to @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus . My first year roommate and I had nothing in common; he was a jocky hard-drinking engineer, I was a hippyish (in my mind) env. sci. student who had barely had a drink/smoke/anything in his life. During the summer they sent us all


What's funny is that it wasn't even the worst video they made. Remember 'Blow up the Outside World'? ( http://www.youtube.com/watc… ) No? Good for you.

In grade 9 I was obsessed with communism for some reason, and having no other outlet for my thoughts on it, I decided to write every assignment in my English class on the topic. It was a writing class, not a literature one, so I could kind of get away with it. One day I come into class and my teacher calls me over and

"Taste the heat not the meat…"
"GA-A-A-AH, I'm sorry that should have been taste the MEAT not the HEAT. I hope this doesn't mean you'll be taking your business elsewhe-…oh it does? I'm sorry to hear that…"

My personal fave of his was his suicide song rewritten for children

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus  "Hello Seniors, we welcome your members!"

I remember being a little confused by the one with George Bush and  his weak handshake. I guess in the end the message was 'just vote, damnit!' but I remember spending a bit of time trying to figure out if it was some kind of veiled criticism of Dubya or just a silly plot twist to bring up stuff about civic duty. Come

Even when she got so pregnant over what happened to Lupe, she knew that there were too many anuses left in her life to spend it in a cigar factory.


I seem to recall David Simon saying in an interview that many of the stories from The Wire were taken from real life, but most of them had to be lightened up a bit for the script because they were too depressing. So yeah, even more fubar.

@avclub-ed0871ac01726144474982051e55c5f4:disqus  What's really frustrating is that they're not even parodies.It's "Hey, I saw a youtube clip/movie scene/music video yesterday that was funny, we should do a parody of that! And by 'parody', I mean a note-for-note recreation of it with our characters, because that's

I just checked wikipedia to remind myself of the plot of this one, and for some reason Gandofini's character isn't even included in the synopsis. Also, apparently  Gene Hackman was in this movie as well? I don't remember that at all…..