
There's no way that it should have been in in LTP, but I still don't think it had to be shown at all.

"This explains why UHF was the Young Einstein of the summer of ’89"

"This explains why UHF was the Young Einstein of the summer of ’89"

I see what you mean, but still not sure. I felt like a lot of that resentment was covered in the final scene in the Bing in LTP, and in the way that Tony and Chris interact in the 'present' in this episode (just the expressions on their faces after mutually agreeing that she was a 'cunt' speaks volumes) but maybe

I see what you mean, but still not sure. I felt like a lot of that resentment was covered in the final scene in the Bing in LTP, and in the way that Tony and Chris interact in the 'present' in this episode (just the expressions on their faces after mutually agreeing that she was a 'cunt' speaks volumes) but maybe

I remember being a little disappointed with the Adriana flashback scene being included. I was glad that they didn't include it in Long Term Parking (I guess they had no choice if they wanted to keep a bit of suspense in the last act), but I always thought it was one of those things that was better just not being seen

I remember being a little disappointed with the Adriana flashback scene being included. I was glad that they didn't include it in Long Term Parking (I guess they had no choice if they wanted to keep a bit of suspense in the last act), but I always thought it was one of those things that was better just not being seen

Yeah, if the housing bubble connection was deliberate, it certainly wasn't psychic, but at the same time I don't remember reading/hearing anything about a possible bubble until it really burst. Of course I'm no economist and skip a lot of the financial news…

Yeah, if the housing bubble connection was deliberate, it certainly wasn't psychic, but at the same time I don't remember reading/hearing anything about a possible bubble until it really burst. Of course I'm no economist and skip a lot of the financial news…

"I could argue that this entire series can be read a specifically
scathing critique of the Bush family dynasty: from the inherited messes
in Iraq to the idea that being born into privilege nurtures an unearned

"I could argue that this entire series can be read a specifically
scathing critique of the Bush family dynasty: from the inherited messes
in Iraq to the idea that being born into privilege nurtures an unearned

Mitchell and Webb didn't do too many film parodies…but when they did:

Mitchell and Webb didn't do too many film parodies…but when they did:

"Seymour! The house is on fire!"
"No mother, it's just the norther lights."

"Seymour! The house is on fire!"
"No mother, it's just the norther lights."

Lazy indians! Always keeling over dead instead of inventing cotton gins!

Lazy indians! Always keeling over dead instead of inventing cotton gins!

Yep, but Diamond's 'apps' were more the product of geographical/immunological luck, and it's harder to gloat about things like that.

Yep, but Diamond's 'apps' were more the product of geographical/immunological luck, and it's harder to gloat about things like that.

"though I guess those guys don't have TV shows"