
"though I guess those guys don't have TV shows"

I think that current history channel specials have to adhere to the same rules laid down for sitcoms: no more than 5 characters, no more than one defining trait per character, and tie it all together in a simple narrative with a universal truth attached.

I think that current history channel specials have to adhere to the same rules laid down for sitcoms: no more than 5 characters, no more than one defining trait per character, and tie it all together in a simple narrative with a universal truth attached.

here is the real amazon link/preview:

But why is it playing the soundtrack to the movie PS I love you?

Now this one dedicated to the man them call MacGuyver
And all 007 James Bond spy man inside the area
Maximum amount of respect to the man them call Ice Cube
And he bust no deuce deuce, no 3 8, but 4 4

When I was a kid I loved that bit, but I always assumed that potassium benzoate was some kind of poison. Imagine my surprise when i read the side of my coke can one day…!

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus I think you're right about that. That would match the timeline better, since I think Vito was already in the ground by the time Chris whupped lil' Paulie.

What, no love for the constipated owl?

From now on, whenever I mention the name of a commercial product in everyday conversation, I'm going to yell 'DAST IST AD!" immediately after.

The whole gangster appearance of a lavish lifestyle while still being cheap and greedy as hell always cracked me up. One of the other hospital scenes (Little Paulie's 'accident' maybe? I can't remember…) where Vito brings in a box of chocolates and then tears into them as soon as Tony leaves (with all the rest of his

@avclub-1bfb50f8428a734a72e2ace7d8b3166e:disqus :

I just love the way he bellows 'It's a reTIREment commUNITY!"

Possible spoiler alert!!

I don't know that it's even willfully ignoring things as much as just not realizing the severity of it all until it's too late. When you think of all the little things that hinted at his dementia before (the shaving cream, the varsity athlete comments, the 'make my nephew an egg!'), it all seems pretty harmless. It


I'm pretty sure she's having a little sexy daydream. Draw a thought balloon coming from her head with Andy Garcia in it and the illusion is complete.

…bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring
bling ring bling ring……

First of all, it's a ridiculous brooch no matter what meaning you take.

always with a wink to let you know that, "It's all good guys, we're all tolerant liberals here, but man those conservative bitches sure are stupid!" "