
Nora Dunn is very bitter. Of course, if I fucked Lorne Michaels I'd be bitter, too. And she was funny. Her take Wuthering Heights Mrs. Danvers, her duets as part of the Sweeney sisters - she was one of the few that ever had the courage to dead pan on the show. Remember she was surrounded by guys who mugged and did

Chris Brown struck me as being something of a mental midget - did you see his idiotic grin as the 'goodnight' segment rolled. My apologies to mental midgets - except Chris Brown. He's never said he's sorry. He's never manned up. He's a punk ass b*tch. And his music is… just terrrrrrrribulllllll, Murial. But he

If that's a track by P Diddy/Puff Daddy - than it is drag slang. What do you think rap is? It's drag by another name. They're all a bunch of posers. It's just twisted - where hype, drama and PR get all mixed up and the public is gullible enough to believe whatever they read. None of it is authentic. It's all

So, here's the thing about Marmaduke that was never leaked to the papers. Scooby Doo was originally offered the title role, but there were script issues (Shaggy kept making them into bongs), then there scheduling difficulties - Scooby was to make his broadway debut opposite Brittaney Murphy in a revival of Ibsen's A

Odd. I like this.
I just like that 70's understated pop vibe going on here. This reminds me of a lot of sleepy 1974 California stuff from the Eagle's pre-Hotel California. I find the songs rather sweet. Odd, because I hated almost everything else reviewed this week… except this and BSS. I think you're being a

Amen. Subtract the past and everything we have learned about Courtney via Courtney - and just listening to the music (negating the fact of how it was cobbled together and mummified) and this is a great listen. If this had been shipped to me with a blank label and I had no idea who this was? I'd be prety impressed.

Hmmm… sweet.
Stephen Stills and Willie Nelson spring to mind. I would love to hear an unadorned version of this album, minus all the production touches. The songs and performance seem sweet and direct and heartfelt - so I find the heavy strings and crowd-speak distracting. There is something incredibly defeated

I'm so glad Bachman-Turner Overdrive has gotten back together. Wow - it is like 1974 all over again! I must say though, if they are going to do a version of Generation Landslide and rename it Crawling Over Bodies? They really need to pay Alice Cooper some royalties.

Nothing new?
This is nice, but nothing new. His song structure meanders and there is a sameness to everything. Deeply personal? Maybe too much so. I can see why his opera got panned. He doesn't make the mistake of trying to go MOR like Peter Allen, but he might want to take a clue from Matt Alber and give things

Butt babies are usually flushed down the toilet. But I hear there is a black market for such items and they are considered a delicacy in Iceland and parts of Eastern Asia. Just something I read on the internet. Oh, the things one can google.

Beyonce is basically just her Daddy in drag. If that man coulda gotten away with it, he would have. There is nothing enpowering about being a puppet of some bully of a man - just ask Tina Turner. Feminism? Nah. That said… she is an empty, talentless hack with big titties and a bigger booty. She is the Tyra Banks

Kate Bush…
Kate Bush would like a credit line for "Why Don't You Love Me?".

Fun stuff. And not over-produced, which made for a clean listen. Nice pop sensibility.

Roberta Flack and Gladys Knight are the connectors… jeez. Take a music appreciation class or something. You remain musically ignorant. History. History. History.

If Rush and Styx and Journey had an evil butt baby with Lindsey Buckingham's guitar - Coheed And Cambria would be the product of that union.

I agree.. Congratulations is way better than Oracular Spectacular which I found to be messy, confused and unarticulated. If Brian Wilson had not lost his way into drugs and met the Finn Brothers? - Congratulations would have been the result. Is it a complete success? No. But it's all the better for not being the

I apologize for my last comment… it's just that musically ignorant people work my last nerve. That and people who play the race game - they are the worst human beings on the planet. Well, with the exception of trolls. Internet trolls are the very, very worst examples of human traffic. Now f*ck off.

Why? Because Badu has been ripping off and aping the music that ladies like Sharon Jones actually live and own. Sharon is authentic. Badu is just running on ganja fumes, f*ckwad. Save your liberal-white-guilt-baiting ploys for some other player, troll.

Erykah Badu is not even worthy to eat the corn in Sharon Jone's sh*t. (Yeah, I know I can swear, but I don't want to, troll).

Music for Pixie Dicks
Set Me Free and I Tossed A Coin all by themselves damns this one to hell forever. Music like this is the reason that small puppies suffer. This chick is responsible for every crappy, cringe-inducing SPCA guilt-formercial I have to sit through in this lifetime.