Colonel Gentleman

*barely coherent*

*barely coherent*

I miss anti-morals on The Simpsons. "It's just a bunch of stuff that happened."

I miss anti-morals on The Simpsons. "It's just a bunch of stuff that happened."

It also explains his belief that big band songs are the funniest fucking thing ever.

It also explains his belief that big band songs are the funniest fucking thing ever.

"Nobody rocks like…Springfield!"

"Nobody rocks like…Springfield!"

"We salute you, our half-inflated Dark Lord!"

"We salute you, our half-inflated Dark Lord!"

While it's not exactly the foulest scene in the history of TV, I've always been amazed with the amount of profanity they got away with in that scene. Seems rather quaint by recent standards sure, but saying "Up yours, Springfield" and "Go to hell you old bastard: was pretty ballsy for a mid-90s show carrying a

While it's not exactly the foulest scene in the history of TV, I've always been amazed with the amount of profanity they got away with in that scene. Seems rather quaint by recent standards sure, but saying "Up yours, Springfield" and "Go to hell you old bastard: was pretty ballsy for a mid-90s show carrying a

In all seriousness, I never read the reviews, just the glorious comments.

In all seriousness, I never read the reviews, just the glorious comments.

Fucking LOVE that gag

Fucking LOVE that gag

Always a great go-to line during boring conversations.

Always a great go-to line during boring conversations.