Colonel Gentleman

Oh, don't knock or anything! It's not like I live with 80 guys and no women. So there is no chance I'm masturbating!

Is that right?

I love that scene for teaching me the expression "mash note." Burns has such a rich repertoire of archaic slang that I'm sure he must be a primary influence on MF DOOM.

You butchered that quote. Are you being sarcastic, dude?

I stopped reading the reviews about a season ago.

Then the I Didn't Do It dancers to hammer it home.

Hell I went to one by choice.

I think of that scene every time I listen to Madvillainy.

I used to have Sings The Blues on cassette. I still own the Songs In The Key of Springfield CD, a copy of Planet Simpson, a few episode guides and this as a framed print: http://www.ronsthings.com/8…

Surely you mean Melvin and the Squirrels, made under the rodent invasion of the '60s. Or at least please tell me that you pulled Patton Oswalt's trick of turning Dave into Satan.

I own a Human League record, also a Mariah Carey record and heaps of Peter Gabriel LPs. My dad's hand-me-down record collection has quite the range.

In Spain, where it often rains. It causes me pain, I really should refrain.

My copy of London Calling just says Train In Vain, I never knew that there was a subtitle, so thanks, I guess.

I used to have a hell of a time talking about that album with the two friends I had who were also obsessed with Sigur Ros. We just called it "Brackets," or "The New One."

@avclub-3906ddb42171916659bfb36440d8bab7:disqus : Think of a bee
You are its knees
You waft through me like a summer's breeze
Can I come round Tuesday please?

The separate paths of well-constructed porn titles and "XXX Parody" titles fully converged with XXX Rock, but that's pretty much the only example.

It's an all-time favourite mine, particularly because of Homer's sarcastic "Oh nothing Marge just a little incident involving the Boogeyman!" and his admonishment to Marge: "none of this would have happened if you had been here to keep me from acting stupid." Blaming someone else for not preventing your own stupidity

Then there's the withering delivery of "Let's go see Mom."

I bet their house smelt like Otto's jacket.

Behold: The Ultimate Prog!