
Yes. The bee hat/epi-pen/more bees/broken legs/burned alive finale ("BITCHES!") was jaw-dropping. I'm just glad they at least kept the ending from the original. I was half-expecting him to punch out Ellen Burstyn and get away.

The Orphanage/The Devil's Backbone
These two films are gorgeously shot, extremely involving ghost stories throughout, but both have third acts that manage to really pay off on the build up. I think "The Orphanage" is one of the most moving films of recent years, and "The Devil's Backbone" is so satisfying even as it

Snake Eyes
First of all: Somebody didn't like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, and I argue that the film is pretty flawless. Even though it gets sentimental, it's been building to that the whole time. I don't see how it's a third-act failure.