Julie Taymor

And a 2016 Broadway musical, starring Clay Aiken and Idina Menzel (backing pending).

Beloved Patrons,

I'm delighted you asked, @PugsMalone:disqus , but I'm afraid the prospects do not look particularly rosy at this point in time.  The chattering nabobs of the New York State Department of Health have once again curb-stomped our spirits with their jackboots of mediocrity.  Their incessant demands to bowdlerize our


My fondest wish would be fulfilled if I were able to join Courtney and Samuel in this wonderful undertaking.  To pay reverent tribute to the lovely, lost Kurt - such imagined bliss.  Alas!  I am currently engaging the not-insignificant totality of my muse's inspiration in the pre-production phase of From Hanna With

My fondest wish would be fulfilled if I were able to join Courtney and Samuel in this wonderful undertaking.  To pay reverent tribute to the lovely, lost Kurt - such imagined bliss.  Alas!  I am currently engaging the not-insignificant totality of my muse's inspiration in the pre-production phase of From Hanna With

Thank you, my dear.  Yet I cannot claim all of the credit: you would be surprised how much of that project's success sprang from the utterly delightful screenplay.

I think that this new feature is an absolutely breathtaking idea: daring, democratic and divine.  And as one who creates, I am avid for these opportunities to drink a long draught from the pop cultural Fountain of Salmacis, as we join our hearts and minds together - male and female, cherished elders and beloved youths

The Show Must Go On
Dear Patrons,

Dear Stanley, I could not return to the comforts of my creative aerie without acknowledging your constant support through this ordeal. Excelsior, my friend, and rest assured: we shall begin working on "Howard the Duck: A World He Never Made" as soon as my other commitments have been fulfilled.

Official Statement

Stanley: you are a towering genius of creativity, hyperbole and alliteration, and your imprimatur is the highest honour I could ever receive (until my inevitable peerage, of course).

Japes and Buffoonery
Dear patrons, I draw your attention to the release of "Jackass 3D" this week. What of it, you say? Thrilling news, say I.

Beautiful Minds
As one who creates, I am drawn to the ineffable, the ineluctable… the divine. And what is more divine, pray tell me, than the innocence of a holy fool? And these holy fools with their glorious tribal epithets - Vin, Salo, Pammy, Spooky and the Situationalist - are Edenic creatures, unspoiled and

Thank you, Paul: while the Critical Mass scoff and snort at my volcanic metaphors, I am deeply comforted by the knowledge that you will be able to empathize - you have, after all, been standing beside The Edge for decades, have you not?

Say it is not so
Ah sweet Kevin - beloved of both Melpomene and Thalia - why do you seek to swim in such degraded waters when you have already passed through the crucible of theatrical accomplishment?

One who creates, you faffing prole.

The Golden Braid
As we who create have come to expect, the chattering classes refuse to acknowledge the riches that are strewn before them. George Lucas has passed through his crucible and is stronger for it. Let the philistines cast their stones: George is made of sterner stuff, is he not?