Randolph Mantooth

Oh, for Christ's sake, get over yourself. I'm not competing with anyone or anything, I was just providing my opinion - isn't that what comments sections are for? But if off-the-cuff comments made by random strangers somehow offend your sensibilities, then, as you say, perhaps you should stop reading them.

Good point, that's a pretty solid credit - I'd forgotten that one.

Taylor calling Molly Meldrum "sort of Australia's answer to John Peel" is rather overdoing it, though. I mean, Molly certainly knows his music and does seem to have quite eclectic tastes, but John Peel he is not.

You probably wouldn't want to know, then, that, when British and other non-American people get together and find themselves making fun of Americans (as occasionally happens), one of the things they seize on to mock is Americans' pronunciation of words like, well, "oregano". I actually remember this very thing

You probably wouldn't want to know, then, that, when British and other non-American people get together and find themselves making fun of Americans (as occasionally happens), one of the things they seize on to mock is Americans' pronunciation of words like, well, "oregano". I actually remember this very thing

The abortion remark, maybe? I don't know, I haven't see the extended cut.

The abortion remark, maybe? I don't know, I haven't see the extended cut.

Yeah, sorry - I thought this thread might end up like one of those A.V. Club reviews of some obscure novel, where you might get two relevant comments while the rest are all irrelevant noise: puns on the author's name, Simpsons quotes, etc. What can I say, I admire the man.

Yeah, sorry - I thought this thread might end up like one of those A.V. Club reviews of some obscure novel, where you might get two relevant comments while the rest are all irrelevant noise: puns on the author's name, Simpsons quotes, etc. What can I say, I admire the man.

Tempted though I am to add something just as witless as the first two comments, it has to be said: Ai Weiwei is a brave man.

Tempted though I am to add something just as witless as the first two comments, it has to be said: Ai Weiwei is a brave man.

Win at Daytona.

Win at Daytona.

Starbucks and Whole Foods stores on every corner?

And what's more, we never get to find out what color the night is. Epic fail.

And what's more, we never get to find out what color the night is. Epic fail.

What was Sydney thinking of, stealing the Notre Dame fight song? Didn't they think anyone would notice?

What was Sydney thinking of, stealing the Notre Dame fight song? Didn't they think anyone would notice?

Which is more than can be said for her acting career.

Which is more than can be said for her acting career.