Randolph Mantooth

Yeah, something like that… although in my experience - which, granted, is the Australian version, though it's based on the British model - Mozza/Gazza/Bazza is how the abbreviating begins, and it eventually turns into Moz/Gaz/Baz.

True enough. And, seeing as we're nitpicking, i'll pile on, and add that the British way to turn Morrissey's name into a nickname would be to deploy a Z or two. So, "Moz" rather than "Mo".

And also Fingersmith, if you like that kind of thing.

He has a small cameo at about the 90 minute mark (he's the one wearing the rust-colored legwarmers).

My new rule around here is I don't bother finishing the review once I get to the words "by A.A. Dowd".

At least David Sim(s) can take comfort in the fact that he's not Dave Sim.

The book is better than the miniseries (although that's not saying much).

Hey, it's Shane Danielsen! I used to read your stuff in RAM Magazine all those years ago. And now here you are, running down Kirsten Scott Thomas on a online comments page. Plus ça change, eh?

" Call it the Shyalaman Mistake." Hmm… is that some kind of ultra-subtle meta-joke, or just a typo?

Good question. Given that that's the case, why are you commenting in this thread at all?

Yes, what I like about Lovecraft is his winning attitude, and his respect for all things Australian.

Yes, what I like about Lovecraft is his winning attitude, and his respect for all things Australian.

If this was ever something Barbara Broccoli would have endorsed, it could only have worked before Austin Powers came along - any return to the era by James Bond would surely only remind audiences of those movies.

If this was ever something Barbara Broccoli would have endorsed, it could only have worked before Austin Powers came along - any return to the era by James Bond would surely only remind audiences of those movies.

One of the top twenty albums of the year no doubt - sure, if the year we're talking about is 1968!!

One of the top twenty albums of the year no doubt - sure, if the year we're talking about is 1968!!

That's right - George Washington Carver.

That's right - George Washington Carver.

How about representing all of your overlooked groups by casting a black, female Doctor? Josette Simon would be a good choice - she's in remarkably good shape for a 50-something-year old (as evidenced by an episode of "Inspector Lewis" I saw her on the other day); plus, it would bring in the Blake's 7 fans, thus tying

How about representing all of your overlooked groups by casting a black, female Doctor? Josette Simon would be a good choice - she's in remarkably good shape for a 50-something-year old (as evidenced by an episode of "Inspector Lewis" I saw her on the other day); plus, it would bring in the Blake's 7 fans, thus tying