Randolph Mantooth

"Obsessed" is probably overstating it in my case, but (Jedward aside) I'm certainly taking an interest - I'm deliberately staying away from all media tomorrow so that I don't find out who's won, ahead of the (extremely delayed) broadcast. Go Albania!

"Obsessed" is probably overstating it in my case, but (Jedward aside) I'm certainly taking an interest - I'm deliberately staying away from all media tomorrow so that I don't find out who's won, ahead of the (extremely delayed) broadcast. Go Albania!

Are you calling my Irish cousin a liar? Because he totally is, so fair enough.

Are you calling my Irish cousin a liar? Because he totally is, so fair enough.

As an Australian, I'm not familiar with Jedward, but my Irish cousin, who's a big fan, says that the best way to tell them apart is that one of them is a total gobshite, and the other is a massive bell end (his words). So hopefully that's of some help to one and all.

As an Australian, I'm not familiar with Jedward, but my Irish cousin, who's a big fan, says that the best way to tell them apart is that one of them is a total gobshite, and the other is a massive bell end (his words). So hopefully that's of some help to one and all.

As would Lynda Day.

As would Lynda Day.

Well, no-one looks sexy in camo.

He was that TV lawyer guy, wasn't he? In the wheelchair?

I used to think that song was the height of sophistication when I was 13 years old. Nowadays, the main thing that strikes me about it is how frequently Lloyd Cole hashes up his French pronunciation.

Yes! The Abe Lincoln bit should really have been a one-sided telegraphic conversation written in Morse code.

Doesn't really go anywhere dangerous - it's being squatted on. As it were.

I know what you mean. I can't quite put my finger on how Starbucks is working the trick, though - some new, barely perceptible form of subliminal advertising?

1) I'd guess that ABC's executives learned somewhere along the line about the show called "Neighbours", but decided to just ignore the fact, because who in the U.S. TV industry cares about what foreigners get up to (as long as they buy American TV shows)?

But do you possess Kirsten Bell's deep, abiding (and somewhat peculiar) love of sloths?

So you're saying that Christopher Gorham, by contrast, WASN'T awesome? That's it, he's dead to me. (Note to self: find out who Christopher Gorham is.)

Superman died on the way back to his home planet

Duly noted. For future reference, a "tosser" is what we Anglophones of British origin call someone who spends an inordinate amount of time "boxing the Jesuit", or, to put it more bluntly and crudely, having a  "J. Arthur Rank" (or "Thomas the Tank", if you prefer).

Damn it, the only reason I came here was to start the "China Miéville: What a Tosser" thread, but you've already started one.