
It hasn’t been announced yet, but you damn well know that episodic TV coverage outside of GoT-type reactions are going to be jettisoned. At best there will be some film and pre-air TV season “reviews” paired with random pop culture click bait. Just look at the other Gawker properties as an example. The total inability

The goal is to give the illusion of there being more content than actually exists, thus you are barraged with huge post summaries and photos.

The Gawkerization of AVC brought to you by Black Label Bacon.

I enjoy that when I give a star, the number under the star actually disappears! Did I just eliminate all the previous stars? What have I done?!

The lack of an ability to specifically view TV episode reviews in TV Club is hilarious. HILARIOUS.

They ran it so long because they needed to cheaply recoup the expenses of merch and it was essentially license free screenings. Was it shown too much? You bet your ass it was. I laughed every time it suddenly appeared to fill out an mysteriously empty monthly schedule.

I volunteered here for a little over a year, 2016-2017. Cinefamily is just a nonstop shit show behind the scenes, with good people caught in the crossfire.

I’m taking one tepid step into this cold new world. Sadly it seems that us legacy account folks are banished into the greys for now. Boooo hiss.

To say nothing of the 1 month minimum of extra billing when people forget to cancel their subs after Twin Peaks is done. That's around 4.5-5.5 million right there.

Are you even familiar with the shoot she did before this show?

Uh, Walter is a WT synthetic. And all the crew have WT patches on their clothes. And all the computer screens have WT logos.

Nothing indicates that she was already suicidal. She explicitly went to Australia to address Kevin's mental breakdown.

There's no reason to assume that she didn't. But she could appear in the dead hotel if Kevin heads there next week.

And in some ways, Nora clearly believed that the two scientists were frauds and she was going to catch them but the last scene adds a wrinkle that the equipment looks feasibly complex enough to be real. It throws out the more likely direction Nora could take, leaving her with nothing easy to confront.

The man still has talent. It's on display in the first two episodes. But damn is this fourth one displaying warning signs of indulgences with his friends (Chrysta Bell's casting) and his own amount of screen time. This episode felt off in a big way.

Donna's reaction was also during the relative surprise and timing of the reveal of Laura's murder to her. I can't believe that in the last 25 odd years that Bobby never confronted images or thoughts of Laura until that moment for it to be that visceral and to be punctuated with the score. Also, it came right after

I'd rather harsh cuts to black for the credits than be brought back to a formerly loved location that now appears to be stripped of it's purpose, menace, and mystery.

This episode also has me seriously questioning how things are going to continue from here. I was totally on board with eps 1-2, but three started the worry, and this one flat out felt like it's of a different production.

It was so long, and it felt like the other actors knew it but had to just go along. Robert Forster especially had a look of "are we done" for the entire thing.

The worst offenders for me are the end of episode roadhouse scenes. They as of yet fail to serve the narrative.