
That dude (or lady) is seriously raging up this comment section aren't they? Nobody is attacking them for differing opinions here, yet they're both strongly defensive and aggressively on the offensive at nearly all points.

Weirdly they totally avoided bringing in a "The Thing" level of paranoia with the human staff not trusting each other or themselves. And at this point I feel like it's a lost opportunity to ever go there.

Yeah…why didn't William have it instead. But really, it's the only way it would makes sense.


Don't forget that with multiple timelines, dream sequences, and flashbacks you also have a sense of unreliable narrator being part of the mix!

She didn't enslave Bernard to her cause, she simply stopped him from interrupting her plan and gifted him a dose of awareness. In a way, she didn't control Bernard at all.

With the other clue being that Teddy had his memories altered from shooting townsfolk to betraying servicemen. There's no reason not to believe that Wyatt is just the coverup for Dolores in a similar manner.

To be fair, there have been multiple episode comment flurries about the broken logic of the host techs and Maeve's entire arc. That's just one example.

And that's basically the big problem. Nothing does matter on this show.

We don't even truly know what the stakes are of the whole thing either, nor do we know or care enough about any characters for it to matter even if we did.

Oddly, I can completely see a Jurassic Park being a real thing. Maybe not to the exact scale of owning an island and all that, but a cloning project taken to an extreme and there being convert military applications? Yes. That rag-tag team of grandchildren and scientists making it out alive while the entire island

He wasn't in control of that flashback though. That one was pure memory with Ford narration, at least with how it was presented.

Pepperidge Farm 'membas.

I've stopped trying to find any logic to the particular anachronism of the piano music selection.


he got most of my complaints. the acting/writing for William is turning into the show's biggest black mark. he missed that.

have you missed all of the piano renditions of 90s songs? these future folk got a serious case of the nostalgia vibes.

Repeat after me AV Club: Dolores. DOLORES. D-O-L-O-R-E-S.

I'm so torn overall with this show. It's not telling this story from a perspective or narrative style I would have initially presumed, and the direction it has taken is admirably ambitious, however, it's still not working as well for me as I assume the creators think it would be. No other show feels like it's actively

Suspend all motor functions, and initiate info dump episode.