
Consider this though. Margot Robbie was largely trapped in middling television productions until her roll in Wolf of Wall Street. That film rapidly threw her into big budget features, like unfortunately tentpole Tarzan, and other huge tentpole Suicide Squad. She's playing iconic characters in huge films, and has

And I'm just talking about the the things I've been exposed to, not speaking generally. Of course a magazine can exist as nothing more than glossy nice looking photography. But on the other hand, I don't think the balance is right, because I dare you to find the thoughtful interviews or pieces with Margot Robbie

What confuses me most is that these type of pieces actually end up in female focused publications. Is the target demographic enjoying these pieces? How many of these things are rambling interviews with no real point of view or statement, and are attempts to fill X amount of pages with whatever they can get by?

I guess that flew over my head.

Considering that the hyper-surveillance of the city was such a big deal in the first season, it's complete absence from this season has constantly left me confused. Is the city no longer being actively monitored by those in the mountain complex/first generation?

I've been enjoying the second season and wish the site was actually providing review coverage (like they stated!).

It's not being reviewed despite being stated in a What's On Tonight that there will be coverage for season 2. They even named a reviewer!

This album is very much a downer listen. Which obviously doesn't mean it's bad, rather a difficult listen. It's almost exclusively low tempo too.

Well I'm sorry for you then man. Keep spinning those classic albums.

But did you like 90s alt-rock to begin with?

Big big miss.

I'm going to blow your mind: the behind the scenes calls out the Sansa Smile™ moment as "their favorite Sanda character scene" because it shows her empowered and with the upper hand. She really did enjoy it. The show runners strangely find that as a positive for the character.

The show has been confusing in general with the passage of time. If I'm being generous, each episode is roughly a month. Which would mean that Cersei has been awaiting trial for almost a year from her walk? And her hair has barely grown?

The entire dynamic you're explaining does not exist in the show (as of this episode) because it's not shown, and at best is a huge stretch to infer.

But embarrassing Ramsey in front of his men did what? No really, within this episode what did it accomplish?

yes, but they break up the clips by commercial breaks. if you go to the channel page you will find that they group all the clips together in a playlist to recreate the broadcast episode (but now with bonus uncensored dialogue and occasional extended clips cut for time).

Or rather, they would have had to recast Bran multiple times too if the goal was a strict age requirement.

You mean during the finale showdown at Winterfell or during the main battle? Ramsey was clearly playing with Jon the entire time since he never felt like he could lose and simply wanted to wring out the most pain for everyone involved. As for at Winterfell, Ramsey still had a solid shot. He egged Jon on even after it

If that was the angle, then it would have benefitted from feeling more supernatural instead of like he was wearing plot armor. Hell, add in that Ramsey could feel justifiably confused and scared by Jon's power would have made the entire sequence better.

But you can't hold Rickon in age stasis without that affecting Bran too.