
Yeah, this is not the episode when the show stumbles with her as a character. Not at all.

Film loves that shorthand of dark features = bad, light features = good. Even though that doesn't make any real sense when it comes to people's complexions.

On the flip side, DD has a nicely diverse secondary cast. The main trio is white as white can be, yes. But consider the cops we frequently see, the DA and her attorneys, and hospital staff and it starts to look more like a real New York, ahem, KITCHEN racial makeup.

It's not that crazy if you know anything about 3d modeling and motion tracking. They're basically just superimposing a 3d model with high res textures over live action, which it uses for the skeletal tracking.

Also, I got to give the show credit for fixing Foggy by the end of the season. Post-Punisher trial Foggy was the Foggy that should have existed from the beginning. The character growth should have still happened, but there was no reason for his paper thin characterization for two thirds of this season to start with.

I'd argue that suffering Karen was 100% not present this season as written and acted. Despite that convenient folder of damaging info on Ben's desk about her, never did I feel like she was acting like she was running from her past or whatever.

Thank you Caroline for hamming through these, but also for hitting the problems and highpoint of the season so well.

I agree that Karen wasn't interested. What I mean, is that the interaction of that exact weirdo scenario felt way way way more real than this rushed Matt/Karen romance that we're getting.

Sick burn

But they still have no connection outside of being coworkers. The show hasn't given us anything to ground the flirtations on aside from their general proximity.

2 words

It's lazy conflict, especially how it all came together at once. The Karen/Matt fling is so paper thin, that there's no reason the season couldn't have started with them already dating, making the Elektra arrival an actual disturbance/threat to a four episode established relationship. Or hell, it's enough of a story

I've just walked through that area one too many times thanks to the Bolt Bus drop off zone at 11th&34th to know it's not a large chunk of land with much "regular" residential to worry about. Nothing about it struck me as operating or having the identity of a defined neighborhood like it does on this show. That's my

I nearly did a spit-take with one of "the kitchen" callouts this episode.

The Karen/Foggy chemistry felt more real than whatever the hell these four episodes of Matt/Karen "chemistry" is. This isn't helped by the fact that the show actually goes out of its way to display that Matt and Karen don't know each other well at all. What's their spark exactly here? They're both well meaning, nice

This episode made me feel like I missed a connecting episode of story. DD/Matt's sudden semi-acceptance of the Punisher upon locating him didn't make sense to me with the developments that happened earlier in this episode. Sorry, but these guys don't have enough of a history to establish an unspoken gentlemen's

While I know it's strange to complain about the structure of a reality program, this episode was a mess. This was also a worst case example of my complaint with the show since season 4, being that the runway challenges are almost nonexistent or only happen off screen.

But aside from his failed flirtations with Karen and the college flashbacks in season 1, what else have they really shown Foggy do outside of the work/Matt dialogue trap?

Hell, at this point the fact that he chose a devil disguise feels totally arbitrary. I get that they're using some shorthand to streamline for those familiar for the comic, but it's not standing on its own here.

He was working on finding his mark so the scene could be framed dramatically, duh!