
Of course not. You better believe they have sweet product placement and sponsorship deals on the side. I also believe they've corrected their original distribution rights error, and get a cut of direct sales for DVD and digital download of their shows (via iTunes, Amazon, etc).

Pretty sure that song debuted with a "lyric video" featuring a handful of drag race queens before the real vid came out.

Robbie somehow had the best confessional moments, but also the worst challenge moments. If she can't balance that out she's toast.

I haven't kept up with this show since midway through season 2, but has it started to feel like Buffy again yet?

Alright, I've been catching up on this show via Amazon and am aware nobody will read this comment. BUT, I need to say that I don't understand why this show isn't getting Breaking Bad levels of acclaim. Hell, any acclaim!

I'll even settle for it being animated, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust style.

The actor did a great job. There were a few times when it was clear that he was struggling with how to keep playing Foggy as concerned without it being tedious, but I faulted the scripts more than the actor.

Hopefully we get a best of both world scenario here.

I'll give you that season one didn't make him too sympathetic of a character. He was dangerously close to just being a huge nag in character form.

Netflix needs to get some recognition for their marketing campaigns. Not only are their teasers and trailers top notch, but the constant trickle of materials of such quality is to be commended.

Oh, what I was trying to do was use Hannibal as an example of how S&P have greatly loosened in terms of violence, but I have no comparable example of sex or drug use also seeing a similar ability to be shown on network tv.

But isn't this exactly the type of tv show that should be on cable or streaming? I know broadcast standards have relaxed, but I don't see how they're going to get away with potential or alluded to incest, coke use, and just general sleaziness on NBC. Hannibal proved you can get mighty violent these days, though that's

I feel like Eva Longoria acquitted herself with the small role she had in In a World, or in Children's Hospital. She's clearly not allowing herself to be shoehorned into the same roles.

America is lucky for that moment of happenstance.

You're right, this is actually closer to a D episode.

It was barely evident in this episode. William acted more as a plot device than having any bearing on those two thinking about parenthood.

Exactly what I was thinking while watching this. Instead it basically was a character assassination of Reyes for no payoff.

At first I thought that was the main story arc, but how it was randomly ignored or bizarrely touched upon makes me question how much CC was seriously considering parenthood and aging as a thematic narrative.

Just think how much time people spent on designing the noseless CSM and the CGI work needed for that shot. What, him being totally burned up wasn't enough? We needed to see that he's Voldemort now too? That requires resources and an effects budget over, say, another script draft?

that's a twist ending I can approve of