After watching that vid of Larry David rehearsing the Kevin Roberts sketch I didn't think they walked through things all that much. But that vid made it seem like a great deal of time could actually be there for practice.
After watching that vid of Larry David rehearsing the Kevin Roberts sketch I didn't think they walked through things all that much. But that vid made it seem like a great deal of time could actually be there for practice.
Rather, the show includes more of them regularly. There have always been the parody commercials. I'd argue that until the Digital Shorts segment, filmed segments were nowhere near as frequently deployed as they are now. Episodes regularly get 2 filmed pieces now. That's why the difference in quality is even more…
Man, the Terminator sex scene sketch seemed like it only had one draft and maybe one rehearsal before going to air. Such terrible pacing. You could see the solid sketch in there, but we didn't get it on screen.
That theme song was on point.
It didn't help that Alfred also had a few line deliveries that were exactly what you'd hope his Trump would be like. Oh well.
That line KILLED me.
Everybody missed it. It just debuted out of nowhere buddy.
Oh, and there are a few moments where Depp is clearly overdubbed not all that in sync with his performance. It's not drastic enough to seem intentional either.
The attention to detail on this is praise worthy. The only negative I have is that too much happened in the office set, which sapped any sense of story momentum.
Him having the slow motion love affair look of meeting the Paul Scheer in the bar was a standout moment for me.
The first episode is a faded memory now, but thank you for the reminder. I just recall it being much, um, whiter, overall.
I saw your comment last week and thought maybe you were being silly, but then then nurse appeared…
You seem much more rigid than most in how you'd like your film makers to operate. That's fine.
It's not my favorite technique, but it can work well to convey a destabilized character experience. It's just that it's difficult to actually watch for an extended period of time, that clips longer than a brief tease always feel overlong and gimmicky.
I'm so worried we're going to get a dud to bookend this season.
The themes are there, but it managed to achieve one moment of a true callback to Home without a viewer needing to look for the parallels. Oh well, we'll never know what this would have been like as the two episodes everyone agrees it needed to be.
I wouldn't call it anti-adoption at all. She didn't want to end up like her mother, on a death bed not knowing her child. There are consequences to adoption, and it's clear that Scully is suffering from them. That's just reality.
Yeah…that line tied a bow on the themes in a silly way. "Get it? Because William is the neglected garbage, and Scully's grief is her monster. Just like the other monster. GET IT?!"
It's only overt with the musical cue during the woman's murder. Otherwise it's a muddled reference to "Home" with how overstuffed this episode is.
Yes, it's always been episodic. But this mini-season has had more serialized threads than normal for the show which is why I bring it up. There is a concerted effort to make this season-long arc all about William. The order matters for once.