Spoiler alert: The Lone Gunmen ARE back.
Spoiler alert: The Lone Gunmen ARE back.
Maybe they go further in the last three episodes. Who knows.
It's mentioned in the third episode, but not in any sort of detail. I won't ruin how or when it's brought up.
I wish they spent the money on some aerial photography of DC instead. I can't be the only one that was struggling with the geography established in this episode.
Don't worry, episode 3 is an A+. Like a marriage, you just have to stick with it for a while before it really blossoms.
C+ is still a passing grade! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The worst offender was the UFO crash CGI. it's not so much that it was awful (it wasn't, but it wasn't great either), rather that it was a filmed to highlight it. Which makes it impossible to overlook anything they do wrong. We didn't need to see the crash happen. It would be just as fine seeing a distant impact and…
Eh, he kind of always went from 0 to 1000 even in the days. It was always tedious how many mood swings he could go through in an hour.
Can everyone agree that the injured alien crawling away from the crash site had a hilariously unintentional seductive posing?!?!
Really, stick with it. The third episode is so amazing.
This is the rare show that would hold it's own on Friday.
Saw a sneak preview of two new X-Files episodes, finally saw a screening of Roar with a Q&A with John Marshall, and am digging back to making it through the first season of the Americans.
Shoutout to Drag Race and X-Files having an unlikely meeting with one of the funniest walk on roles. Shangela in "Mulder And Scully Meet The Were-Man" is a hoot!
It's an amazing episode. I can't wait to watch it again.
Half watch is maybe a good approach. Just saw the 1st and 3rd episodes. The premiere is exactly how this review sells it. I would have much preferred a slowed down reintroduction of everyone than the rushes conspiracy setup that we get instead.
Consider it a case study for why 22 episode tv seasons are too long. There will be misses, but they can still be entertaining misses. The show benefits from a week between episodes when they're weaker.
The most iconic thing from this movie is the terrible CGI death fall of Amanda Peet down an elevator shaft.
The last three seasons aren't terrible. They're different, definitely uneven, and challenging. Your perspective on how replaceable Mulder and Scully are will ultimately affect how you can appreciate those final seasons.
The sounds of barreling towards madness. It's truly one of David Lynch's most vivid and concise scenes.
Lost Highway guys. It's so perfect. SO PERFECT.