Can Attack

You know what? I'll give it a shot. As a longtime comics fan, I have seen a metric buttload of reboots, retellings, and revisions. Some are weak and pointless. And some jumpstart the character and make it an exciting read again.
I agree with the comments about Hollywood mining every old idea for a new unoriginal

Van Halen was the first band I truly loved, and "Jump" was the first piece of music I purchased with my allowance - a 45 from Hills department store. If only I would have known the heartbreak the interband feuding would cause me in years to come - not even mentioning the dark Van Hagar years. Would I have sent Kyle

I agree that LEGO are expensive, but I get why. First, they are nigh-indestructible. I have sets from 1978 that I managed to rebuild thanks to directions posted online. Also, the cost goes up with licensed properties, like Star Wars and Marvel. Disney needs their cut.
Do the licensed properties take away some of

I've always loved this episode - Pam absolutely kills it - and I'm not too proud to say I lifted the entire award-ceremony-for-work idea from Michael Scott.  Every year we have an awards ceremony on the last day of school (I'm a middle school teacher), which includes good-natured roasting and reminders of funny/stupid