
New record?
I suspect this comment board holds a world record for the greatest number of posts by the article's interview subject (under various aliases).

People, as a poetry person, I have to say, please stop posting poems in your comments. This is a comment section to a pop culture website. And if you are going to post poems, please don't post the same type of poems that turned people off of poetry in high school and college (such as Yeats). Yes, we all agree that

Mickey Rourke
Does anyone else get the feeling that all Mickey Rourke had to do was show up, and it was inevitable that critics were going to call it a great performance? I don't know quite how to explain it. It's like we just can't get enought of the "washed-up ex-star makes bold comeback in indie film and delivers

You people and your opinions
Who are you people? Yeah, I've been steadily losing interest in Cat Power since You Are Free kind of sucked, and I'm with you in feeling that this whole "Newly Sober Blues Diva" thing is a career path that I wish she hadn't taken. But, even so, it's obvious that most of the people in this

Question about Good Dick
re: Good Dick. Why is THAT the promotional photo? Seriously, why? It was also attached to the review.

Godfather II issue
There have been various times in my life when I've been obsessed with the first two Godfather movies. Like many people, I love both of the movies pretty equally, which is quite a lot. However, I've never been able to watch Godfather II without the Clemenza/Pentangeli thing being totally

P.S. #1 of all time, I mean. Devotion, yeah. I'm still not done with it.

Beach House
Beach House #30? More like #1. Everything else sucked. Then again, I'm old.

Oh yeah, and fuck reality TV. I remember when reality TV first started, and it seemed like every intelligent person had objections to the very idea, and I agreed with pretty much all of them. Then, at some point, after a year or two, everyone stopped expressing their objections, and started going along with it all.

This is weird
Every single one of the items in bold, from every single one of these writers, is also something that I have avoided. Seriously, just the idea of watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer has always annoyed me. Billy Madison is pretty funny, but I don't understand grouping it with the shitty Happy Gilmore. In

Ron Howard
Ron Howard is my least favorite director. I don't have anything intelligent to say, but I was hoping I could get a few AV Clubbers more articulate and film-schooly than me to talk about why A Beautiful Mind is a terrible movie and how the fact that it was taken seriously by anyone is proof that there is a

Yeah. The hipsters in Brooklyn are like .002 percent of the population, and even in the neighborhoods reputed to harbor mostly hipsters, the hipsters are minorities. Williamsburg has the nearest thing to a hipster majority, but it's not actually that big of a neighborhood, and even there the *hipster* hipsters aren't

Gimme Shelter
Anyone who hasn't seen this documentary is missing out on an amazing and harrowing film experience. I saw it on a big screen, and somehow I found it utterly terrifying. Ever since, I've been a little extra nervous when I'm in large crowds.

You underestimate the fuzziness of the line between irony and reality in today's youth. They will go to see the New Kids. And not just the vacuous; I know art-school undergraduates who will be genuinely psyched for this.

Some day I'll reach the point where enough people have told me, "You know, you can just watch things online," and I'll actually try to figure out how to do it.

Yeah, that's true.

Not well-funded.

Wikipedia's search function
Has anyone else been frustrated by the 1996-ness of Wikipedia's search function? If you make one typo, or if you don't know exactly how to spell something (say, "Nebuchadnezzar"), don't expect Wikipedia to help you out. I know, there are a million things wrong with Wikipedia, but I wanted

I've been trying to watch this, but Netflix has had disc 1 of season one on "Very Long Wait" for months.

Van Sant
I'm excited. "My Own Private Idaho," "Gerry," "Last Days, and "Elephant" are all in my top-tier favorite movies that I can watch over and over. I can understand not being into the aesthetic of the latter three, but I've yet to see an argument against them that doesn't boil down to, "boring." I wasn't