
He was overheard by an Albuquerque police officer pooping while toilet reading T.S. Eliot.

I would have preferred Pog form. 

That's the Parks and Rec theme song

You won't wear a shirt and you'll cry.

Here are some words that rhyme with Cory: Glory, Story, Allegory, Montessori

He played George Spelvin in a Season 2 episode where he convinces Cyril to hack into the ISIS Mainframe so that Cyril could save the day, but is trying to steal the list of ISIS agents. I made the connection because the father's voice sounded a lot like the characters. Plus, the George Spelvin name is a pseudonym used

Since Peter Serafinowicz was credited this episode voicing Archers father, and he played that computer hacker expert in season 2, I guess the hacker guy is Archers father.

Everybody Pants Now!

I look forward to "The Hours's" and "The Hour: Resurrection" and then the sort-of-but-not-really-prequel franchise "The Minute Hand."

This just highlights the difference between the Stand-Up and Improv/Sketch worlds. In Stand-Up, if someone asks you to do a show at their place, you expect some pay. With Improv/Sketch, you're doing it for free no matter how popular you are until you make it to SNL/whatever.

Yoda the flamethrower!

Or he can do a show where his daughters are GIRLS who live with a bunch of other GIRLS in the city and all of these GIRLS have relationship and job problems that normal GIRLS can relate to. It will be called "Young Females Living in a Urban Setting"

Breaking Gab

Privileged, Well Connected Actresses Portraying Lower Class Struggle=Poor Minstrelsy

Here's is what I'll bring to the Table…
Oversight of digital projects
(I see lots of things)
Competitive analysis
(Burn EW, TVSquad, HQs to the Ground)
Product marketing (SEO, social media, product publicity coordination)
(Put "AVClub" as every other word in every article. Get hot

Yes! My Stab at TV Criticism Fame!
Uhhhhh…It was good I guess. Grade: Satisfactorilly.

He will, and you drink OJ.

Does this mean the show will only slight follow the comic? Spoilers no longer apply? Or rather, we don't know whats to spoil?

Get Agent Van Aldys Flour Hour to air! We're mass communicatin'!

She missed Ted Hitler. He's a distant relative. Two generations back. Straight line.