
I thought
The title said Clarie Daines for a few seconds. Was she sleeping in a barrel of Meth to age that fast?


Law and Order LA just jizzed in their pants.

Cocaine's a hell of a drug.

Hey, there were two Black Tea Partiers just elected to congress. Anything is possible.

Blaine…his name is Blaine???
Who will be Kurt's Duckie? I nominate idiotking.

That's what I like most about Zombie movies. Not the blood and gore. But how humans survive in the chaotic state of nature and tear into each other more than the Zombies ever do.

Don't try to cover up the interview/bad grade conspiracy!

Top Men
It belongs in a museum!!!

This Movie
Paved the way for Zapp Brannigan and his conquest of Spheron I.

This Movie will Only Make Sense…
If we all become Mormons.

That was already done…on the Disney Channel.

Four words: Produce Pete the Movie

Since the series was originally going to be a movie, I don't think series is going to last very long. They won sectionals, now regionals…etc…the cast will be well into their 30's when they finally reach nationals in Season 9.


My Avatar
Made an appearance! Fail Firsties!

Just wait two weeks when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir makes an appearance at the local Culvers.

See, kids? Pot really does slow your reflexes.

My Alma-Mater: John Ashcroft, Paul Wolfowitz, Milton Friedman, Robert Bork, Supply-Side Economics, Agent Orange, the Atomic Bomb, and the guy who played Buffalo Bill in 'Silence of the Lambs"

No! But Nepotism was the perfect excuse to mask the fact that I don't have the talent to make it!